What To Put In An Emty 75 Gal.?

Well what types of fish interest you?

e.g. do you want shoals? or one or two big fish?

you could go for an Oscar and a pleco for example
or 2-3 smaller cichlids with dithers
or a large selection of rainbows
or a general community of tetras, gourmais, corys etc.etc.

have a look through the fish profiles and see what species you would definitely like to keep and then we can build a stocking around it :good:

Also what fish are available in your area?
It might also be worth considering the pH of your tap water, which might rule out some fish.
Sorry but, your question is what community fish can I put into an empty 75 gal and query no replies :rolleyes:

Lets face it.....75 gallons? community? sooooo much is possible. How long is a piece of string :D

Better to look see what you like then ask if ok ;)
Depends on what kind of fish you like.

If I had that 75 G i'd add in so many frogs. ):

Well, lets see.
What fish do you like? Small, Med, large?

Get an Arowana. :D

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