What To Have In My Community Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2007
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hi, i have a 180l tank which has neon tetras, guppies, zebra danios, corydoras and a pleco in it.

i just wanted a few ideas as to what other fish i could keep in with them so i dont buy the wrong type and all my smaller fish get eaten.

i would like something a bit bigger than guppy size so if anyone can type up a rough list i would be more than gratefull.

many thanks.
Hi David. I'm no expert, but my tank is stocked with the same fish as you, but I also have a few glowlight tetras, an otto, a sailfin molly and platies. All the fish get along great.

Good luck

Miss M
I think gourami would be a great choice. They come in many different sizes and colours. They are also quite easy to handle.
ok in a 180L you would be looking at roughly 48 inches of fish (with a max size of 4" or less)

Also with community fish I should add that getting the right number of each species is just as important as getting fish that are compatible with each other, tetras danios and corys need to be kept in groups with 6 being the recommended minimum number.

Guppys's along with Platys, Swordtails and Mollys should be kept in a ratio of 1M to 3F

Larger fish that may also be suitable include: Honey Gouramis, Pearl Gouramis, Bolivian Rams, Blue Rams, Neon Rainbows, Bosemani Rainbows,

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