What to give to the fry???


New Member
Mar 21, 2005
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:D Hi folks...
I juz bought 3 females guppies n one of them is like gonna "boom"(give birth). Her stomach is so big!!! :hyper:

I'm so happy n nervous! :fun: :crazy:

I get a new tank but smaller for the new coming babies n the female was inside now. I changed 10% of the water daily. There are also plenty of plants inside for the fry to hide in the future. I'll remove the female guppy after she gave birth.

So can anyone tell me wat to feed to the fry from the first day after they had been born???

Do they need a filter?? I dun have one now in the new tank. Erm.. If i change the water n the flows out then how should i catch them back?? I scared the trapped in the net. How frequent I should change their water???

Think is that for now. If i discovered any new q's then I'll post up some more~ Thanksssssss ;)
Good things to feed the fry include live or frozen baby brine shrimp, live or frozen daphnia, or even simple extremely ground-up flake food that you feed to the adults. I raised my last batch of Guppy fry on a product called Hikari First Bites, but that's just because I had bought it for a different species of fry. My fry just as readily eat any of the other things I mentioned.
I crush my fish flakes with a mortar and feed them a little of that 4 or 5 times a day. Just a small pinch each time, remember they will be tiny.
I also like to feed all my fish Baby Brine Shrimp (BBS) once a week or so. I found this site with easy instructions, it is incredible to watch all the fish go nuts for BBS.
Baby Brine Shrimp Instructions
I feed my fry crushed up flakes and also brine shrimp. They are thirving!!! :p
The fry may not up until they are at least a day old; i find the best way to ensure the survival of as many fry as posible it is best to feed them liquid fry foods like "liquifry no.1" or powder foods like "First bites" by Hikari or "TetraMinfry" as they are easier to eat and digest for the fry and are very nutritional. I would avoid feeding to many high protein foods to regualy as the can often over eat on them and die.
I would not move the fry into the new tank especially if it does not have a filter because it probly means the tank isn't properly cycled and moving them so early on would kill many of them as they are not as tolerant as adult fish of bad water conditions and die easier from them.
Well for being new to fry you are off to a great start already. If you have a petsmart around you they have a food called first bites which I use to feed my fry and have had success with it along with newly hatched bbs. No you don't need a filter but you have to keep the tank clean. I have no substrate on the bottom of the tank it's "bare bottom". This makes it easier for me to clean. I use a turkey baster to get the wastes off the bottom and when it's clear I readd the water that I've sucked up along with dechlor of course. I usually do this every other day,babies produce lots of wastes especially guppies! Another hint I don't know if it will work for you but when my fry are 2 months old I add them in the "baby dropping tank" which has 3 adult females. I've noticed they grow alot faster in there although the females will chase em at first but after a day or two they will quit, if you have plants and stuff in there it will be even better. I hope this helps I just about gave you all the info I can come up with as far as fry goes. Good Luck!! :)

My guppy juz gave birth this early morning!!! They were born in the midnight! :p

They are :wub: ! I was cleaning the tank for them this morning. After a sudden, I saw a fry inside the water that i had piped out from the tank. Then i observe the tank. Guess what! There a bunch of frys inside!!! But i saw the 2 female was banging the marbles to get the fry. Luckily i put the big marble at the bottom n have enuff plants inside the tank. Ther frys are intelligent enuff to hide inside the "bushes" n the sapces between the marbles.

I have to rush home now to feed them. Erm how many times i have to feed them daily again?? forgotten..... :*)

There is another heavy pregnant female inside the breeder tank. I dun wan to remove her coz i scared she give birth soon. And another tank was not enuff protection for the frys. Is it ok to put her there????

Suggestions Pleaseeeeeeee
And the madness begins.... :crazy:
Feed 3-5 times a day, it's better to feed small amounts 4 or 5 times than it is feeding them more 2 or 3 times. All you gotta do is feed them and keep their water clean and they will grow up to be beautiful guppys. My suggestion if you dont want much more fry is to seperate the male and female fry when theyre about 4 or 5 months old which is about the amount of time it takes to tell them apart. Then you can pick the male you like and mix with the females you want and get the coloration you like but that might take a little time :) . Have fun with your new babies!!
Yea~~ There's another batch of babies coming. (I have a pregnant female.)

I think I'm goin to put the Yellow tail female with the red tail male to get another combination. Wonder how the babies will looks like. Coz when i bought the female it was already pregnant.

:kana: weee~~~ So fun to c babies... It's like the father waiting the arrival of babies...


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