what to get?

if u get a 6 gallon tank, i think you should het about 4 MALE guppies (note: i said male or else they will start breeding really quick) there active colourful fish and only grow to and inch long! so as i was saying , 4 guppies and 2 Male PLATIES, THATD BE COOL!

if u get a 10 gallon tank you could put a school of neons (6) and a few gupppies and 2 platies

that would be cool!

post us ur pictures in the members forum!!
:thumbs: :thumbs:
Vinegar is very acidic and that isnt good for the tank

Salt just provides a form of defense against certain diseases
It is not necessary to use salt but I always add some when I get new fish
Juggernaut22988 said:
Also, before adding fish, make sure you add 1/2 tsp of aquarium salt per gallon (5tsp for you) to prevent fish loss. DO NOT USE TABLE SALT (unless it is not iodized)
salt is NOT necessary and for many fish it can actually be harmful, such as cories and plecos and other scaleless fish!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :no:

have you decided what kinds of fish you are interested in?
jappy said:
On another note, is my calculation correct? I worked with metric first, then converted to imperial, so something could have gone wrong there.
Heh, I use metric myself, only convert to gallons and inches when posting here. ;)

According to my calculations your tank is abot 40 liters, which with the help of the handy Aquarium Converter is about 10.6 US gallons. So as far as I can tell, yes, your calculations are correct.

EDIT: Salt is indeed harmful for some types of fish, and usually unnecessary unless you get fish that have grown up with it (this could be the case for some livebearers for example). Decide on what fish to get first, then see if salt is necessary.
As mentioned in my last post salt IS not necessary but I still recommend it.

I didnt know that salt harmed cories
I use salt on both my goldfish and platies every few months

Will salt harm cichlids? (I might get one in the future)

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