Do you think maybe he doesn't even notice the food? I have 1 in a tank alone and one in a community and both of them literally have to be "lead" to the food or they don't even notice it, I'll lightly tap the glass for the littler tank until he starts watching my finger and THEN he sees the food, and the same with fishy, I'll wag my finger over the water in the vacinity of his pellet and feed them to him one at a time or they'll sink before he finishes the 1st bite (and he won't go below the surface for that kind of food)
BUT last night I peeked over in the big tank and saw him hanging out towards the surface and he looked strange so I went closer and.....he had an entire ghost shrimp in his mouth,just the tail was peeking out, I've been blaming my tetras for their disappearing but I guess he's another culprit

, bad news bear, I had just added 2 shrimp to my other bettas tank, because I had thought he might like chasing them around the way Fishy does, so I went to get them out and put them in the big tank so they'd at least have a chance & the room to hide and I'll be darned, he had eaten 1 too!!!! The remaining shrimp leaped into the net with a "get me outta here!" style and I brought him to the bigger tank and he never even made it to the gravel before the tetras got him,

, poor little guy, I tried to save him and instead I escorted him to his death
But after all the rambling....your betta may enjoy the chase and attack of his food, I guess mine do

, if you can stand to see it that is..
Also I've watched mine rip up blanched zucchini like theres no tomorrow