what to feed my oscar to get big ?

Beefheart, maybe. Although i think Oscars look a lot better if they can grow at a natural rate rather than being fed the fishy version of steroids.
i dont see any reason in rushing your fish to get big. but if u insist...this what u should try. good food alone is not enough...they need space. minium 36inch tank. keep it in a bare tank since u will be doing two 50% water change daily. feed it 5 times daily......and siphon off the unfinish food. feed only 6 days a week. no feeding on the 7th day. buy a smaller fish for him to beat up.....to build up his body . do this and u will get a big oscar within 3 months ......hard work huh ....wouldnt it be easier to just let him grown on its own
I agree.

Fish forced to grow at a faster then normal rate through overfeeding end up looking like it, often forming undesirable shapes and poor coloring. Feed the fish normal amounts of foods, keep the water pristine, and he shall grow. Keep in mind that Oscars are Insectovores, and there is nothing even remotely close to beef in their diet. Enjoy the fish as he grows, it's the same fish big or small-it shouldn't be a race.
Exactly, why rush it. I love having nice colored fish. Plus, an oscar already grows ridiculously fast no need to speed him up.
ari said:
i dont see any reason in rushing your fish to get big. but if u insist...this what u should try. good food alone is not enough...they need space. minium 36inch tank. keep it in a bare tank since u will be doing two 50% water change daily. feed it 5 times daily......and siphon off the unfinish food. feed only 6 days a week. no feeding on the 7th day. buy a smaller fish for him to beat up.....to build up his body . do this and u will get a big oscar within 3 months ......hard work huh ....wouldnt it be easier to just let him grown on its own
thats insane....

tehy need a bigger tank than 36 inch, and u dont have to do barebottom, and u really dont need 50% w/c twice daily :crazy:
fufanu360 said:
thats insane....

tehy need a bigger tank than 36 inch, and u dont have to do barebottom, and u really dont need 50% w/c twice daily :crazy:
I agree a 4 foot tank of at least 75 gallons if not more is needed. the other part is that a good quality pellet with around 35 % crude protein is needed. these are the three that I use the most in order. Marineland Labs Bio-Blend cichlid pellets, Hikari Gold cichlid Pellets and Omega One cichlid pellets, all of which are very good an most are avalible at a good lfs or online. water changes are important for the prevention of HITH, so twice weekly should be good enough.
36inch is used since the live minnows or prawns (its food) have less space to run about. bare tank makes water changing easier.2 to 3 waterchanges is a must since u are feeding 5 times daily. live prawn is at 8 malaysian ringgit per kilo , while hikari is 22 malaysian ringgit per 500gram pack. what would your oscar choose? live prawn or HIKARI GOLD? thrown in the two to test out. i never touch a flowerhorn myself, but i have friends who own flowerhorn farms in malaysia and thailand. they have to get their fish big really quick for export. time means money for them.this is how they do it. and i dont think its INSANE...since they are laughing their way to the bank :p oh, have u ever visited a fish pellet factory?no way they are made in Japan,...its cheaper to have it in asia. they used fancy packing to attract the customers to buy, it doesnt matter if the fish likes it or not...just as long the owner likes it. i dont really know which food gives more protein...pellet or fresh live food............... u tell me!
give the oscar a 75 gallon or larger tank, feed 2-3 times daily with a widely varied diet consisting mostly of a good quality pellet food and supplement with treats 2-4 times per week of frozen blood worms, brine shrimp, beefheart, krill and you can also use freeze dried krill, bloodworms, shrimp etc. live food options would be live fish (very preferable to breed your own), live worms, crickets and crayfish. live foods should be given, imo, no more than once or twice per week. also, the more you change the water the faster the fish will grow. I'd say 40-50% water changes once or twice a week will be more than enough to see optimal growth. :cool:
ari said:
i dont see any reason in rushing your fish to get big. but if u insist...this what u should try. good food alone is not enough...they need space. minium 36inch tank. keep it in a bare tank since u will be doing two 50% water change daily. feed it 5 times daily......and siphon off the unfinish food. feed only 6 days a week. no feeding on the 7th day. buy a smaller fish for him to beat up.....to build up his body . do this and u will get a big oscar within 3 months ......hard work huh ....wouldnt it be easier to just let him grown on its own
WTF mate?

"Buy him a smaller fish to beat up"?

Heres what you do to get him to grow:

1. Keep stable water params.
2. Keep in large tank
3. Feeders as a treat bi-weekly (optional)
4. Keep stress at an absolute minimum.

My Tiger Oscar has grown 4'' in 3 months. Not bad, I'd say.

DB :fish:
wow....are u sure u wanna go thru all that trouble for an oscar. beefheart, worms , premium pellets, shrimps, f.d krills,crayfish, crikets etc etc. an oscar cost no more than a few ringgit...10 the most(abt 2.5 us dollars for a 6 inch fish).on a good day u could catch a dozen or more on a light wt4 fly rod at the local lake. ok ok ...what i wrote is what i saw at the farms...thats what they did ...dont ask me for any explaination. i dont intend to rush my fish...they grow on their own pace. anyway 4inch in 3 months is normal, i ve seen flowehorns grow to 9 inch in 5months. for all its worth such pop up fish are more prone to diease, and rarely they live over 3 years. the farms dont care abt that, a big fish is what the customers want , a big fish what they will get ...its the demand and supply thing. different aquarist have different ways of bringing up their fish...theres no rule on how and what. u use the methods that suits u. on the funny side i ve seen kids with a limited buget keep fishes that outgrew those kept by the more experince aquarist who just had to give their fish every dose of medications or vitamins they find at the pet store. :p
wow....are u sure u wanna go thru all that trouble for an oscar. beefheart, worms , premium pellets, shrimps, f.d krills,crayfish, crikets etc etc. an oscar cost no more than a few ringgit...10 the most

I don't think the cost of the fish should determine how well you care for it. :no: Any fish that you keep as a pet should receive the best possible care. :nod:
DannyBoy17 said:
ari said:
i dont see any reason in rushing your fish to get big. but if u insist...this what u should try. good food alone is not enough...they need space. minium 36inch tank. keep it in a bare tank since u will be doing two 50% water change daily. feed it 5 times daily......and siphon off the unfinish food. feed only 6 days a week. no feeding on the 7th day. buy a smaller fish for him to beat up.....to build up his body . do this and u will get a big oscar within 3 months ......hard work huh ....wouldnt it be easier to just let him grown on its own
WTF mate?

"Buy him a smaller fish to beat up"?

Heres what you do to get him to grow:

1. Keep stable water params.
2. Keep in large tank
3. Feeders as a treat bi-weekly (optional)
4. Keep stress at an absolute minimum.

My Tiger Oscar has grown 4'' in 3 months. Not bad, I'd say.

DB :fish:
thats exactly wut you need to do, the food acually is not as important as comfortability
and so the moral of the story is:


sound about right, boys? :p

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