What to feed bristelnose pelco fry


Fish Crazy
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jan 7, 2021
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I had 2 spawns of my brown bristelnose pleocs (one about a month ago and the other one about 2 weeks ago). They are all growing out in the same tank. I lost a few but there is still around 100 or more. I feed them algae waffers every day (2-3 times) but sometimes it seems they don't eat them. I tried feeding them frozen brine shrimp but they didn't even touch that. They will take live baby brine and zucchini as well (but not always). Is there something else I can feed to increase their growth?
Also when will it be possible to see their gender?
algae, driftwood and biofilm should be their first food. then add other types of food that you would feed the adults.

they can usually be sexed around 6 months of age if grown well.
I feed mine almost exclusively Zucchini. They grow well on that, very few losses. They will start eating it as soon as their yolk sac is gone. Keep some in there all the time for them to munch on.

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