What To Do...


Fish Addict
Aug 28, 2009
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i have a 130 gallon planted aquarium right now, but recently i have become bored with it, i would like to completely re-do the aquarium, and i am wondering what kuind of options i have. i was thinking of an mbuna tank, but obviously i would like to hear other ideas so i can pick the best option.

dimensions are 48"x26"x24" LWH
my turnover is only around 350 gph, but i can and most likely will buy another large filter and powerheads
... i dont know what else to say. feel free to ask anything, i will try to answer all questions.
What about setting it up as an Oscar tank? :hyper:
Since you've been at this awhile, it seems like your choices will be a theme around African cichlids or South/Central American cichlids, or oscars. I'm into the SA/CA right now so if I had a 130, I would have several severum, maybe a pair of angels and then geos and a huge school of medium sized tetras. Good luck and have fun.
i like the sound of sevs, they look really good, i also wonder about oddballs, which of those could i have in there?
What about a predatory tank?
With a Mbu Puffer, some Rocket Gars/Hujueta, some Eels or something...
Thats a big tank! Ornate Bichirs and Sevrums for sure.
Congo birchirs, flagtail fei feng, and a RTG arowana? I mean with enough filtration it should be possible, with room to upgrade in the future when they reach their full size.... But it's going to be awhile. Also maybe a small freshwater montoro stingray?! Those would be pretty exotic and challenging tanks, but different!
can senegal bichers and oscars be put together? i was originaly going to make a oscar, JD, and something else tank, would something like that work?

i cant upgrade tank size later either, otherwise id love to have an arrowana.

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