What To Do?

(This is a copy and paste job from my first ever thread on here, I'm too lazy to re-type it..lol)
I have come back to this thread as it was the one that got me in to this forum and I feel it is only appropriate to give an update on the current position, for the benefit of those that gave me such valuable advice in my earlier days of the hobby.
I have since acquired a 90l tank, and after ordering and installing an Eheim 2224, the 90l tank has:
1 Betta,
3 sailfin mollies (1m,2f)
4 zebra danios
4 pearl danios
1 BN Plec (only 3 cm long??)
5 BW Tetras
4 dwarf gouramis
1 apple snail
up to 9 shrimp ( can never see them though, so might all be dead)

The 60l tank has:
9 guppies (4m, 5f)
4 neons
4 rummie nosed tetras,
3 rasboras (2 def harlequins, not sure on 3rd)
13 mollie/guppy fry
1 apple snail

Is this finally more acceptable? We do intend to move the mollies over to the smaller tank when the fry are big enough to not get eaten by them, as there can be bullying from the mollie male toward the gouramis. We are really looking at getting a 4-5ft tank now and putting everyone in there though, would that be a better course of action?
My thanks again to everyone that gave me help on this thread.
Okay, after a couple of weeks now since this discussion was held, we have gone and done what we wanted to do, here is the result:




So, I was thinking that at last we have a decent enough sized aquarium for all the fish together, so does anyone have any objections? It's a Juwel Rio 240 that we got on eBay for £128.......I am happy to brag about that part...lol

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