What To Do?


New Member
Mar 12, 2009
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I have a 40gallon tank which is ready to be filled once we've moved house. I have kept tropicals before but that was in a 15 gallon so it's a bit of a change. The only thing I'm having trouble with deciding is fish stocks and the setup. So I was just wondering what everybody thought might be a good way to go?

It all depends on what type of fish you like.
Do you want oddballs, Cichlids etc.?
Do you want shoaling fish or single/pairs of fish? Large fish or small fish?
It all depends on what type of fish you like.
Do you want oddballs, Cichlids etc.?
Do you want shoaling fish or single/pairs of fish? Large fish or small fish?

That's what I'm undecided on. I've looked at Cichlids and I really do like 'em and would want to keep them but then there's so many others, it's just hard to decide what.
I know the feeling!
You could go for any of the following:

Tanganikyan with shell dwellers.
Brackish, not sure what mix to have in that size tank but Gobies would be great.
Biotope - Asian, South American, African etc.
Big shoals of Dwarf varieties like Rasboras, Tetras etc.

Just a few ideas and I'm sure other members will have other suggestions.
Best thing you can do is to go round your local shops to see what is easily available. Draw up a list of the ones you like the look of , then come back here and let us see the list. Oh, and read as many of the pinned threads here as you can.
I should have some time to get round them this week. So I'll write up a list. Thanks
I honestly would do this:

Heavily Plant it
Get a breeding pair of Pelvicachromis taeniatus " Kienke" or get some regular Kribensis Cichlids, Then i would get a shoal of some 10 or more Lemon tetra's. Them maybe some Cardinal Tetra's( 10 or more), and then i would get a Male Bristlenose Pleco. Then i would probably add a few Swordtail's ( maybe Red Wag)

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