What To Do With Some Rock With Things In It?


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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Hi I am hoping someone here might be able to help. I have bought a second hand tank today, it use to be a marine tank. I have started to empty the filter and found two rocks in the bottom of the filter with "things" in them. I am guessing they are whats called live rock. There is a tiny bit of water in the filter so I have put the rocks back. I dont really want to just throw it away as there is life in it. What should I do with it?

Many thanks
I wouldnt be able to get to the shop untill the weekend, at the vets tomorrow with one of my turtles. Will it be ok till then?
Oh it might be too late then, I am not sure how long the tank has been empty, a couple of days at least I think.
hows the turtle doing star,better i hope

i hear you have met my better half (mariekni) on rfuk she will try and help you out as much as she can


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