What To Do With My New Tank?


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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Hey everyone

Ok so i got this new tank:

-15 litres (34,5cm. x 19,5cm. x 21,5cm.) (L, W, H)
-15w light (non-flourecent) i don't like the light so i might change it.
-Undergraval filter
-air pump
-Big stones
-3 apple snails


I want to take the snails out (to a better tank) and make a new tank out of it.

So here is my question : What should i put in there??? i don't want the typical guppy fish tank or a goldfish tank... I want a planted tank with shrimps. i would love to grow glosso or dwarf hair grass.

something like this:

Well you are lucky, because it is a tad small for both goldfish and guppies. :lol:

You may have to upgrade your lighting system in order to grow glosso, but I am no plant guy.
i say a planted dwarf puffer tank :good:

or planted betta tank ;)

not so keen on the large gravel though =/
I agree with the above. Dwarf puffers and bettas are both fantastic fish and would be good choices for your aquarium. If you aren't looking to upgrade the lighting, you could do most any of the crypt plants (I think c. parva makes a good ground cover), most of the anubias, java fern, and java moss. I'm also no planted tank guy, but from my experience those plants do well with lower lighting conditions and minimal intervention.
Hey , thanks to all

Luckily today i'm changing the gravel to very fine gravel (silicious?), will this change my water chemistry?
I personally are not to fond of the large gravel. If you want shrimp. You could add dwarf hairgrass in their, I would change the substrate though. Then some bog wood, and java moss. It would be pretty. I am imaging it right now if you havent knowticed. You could keep the snails also. But you would need a place for babies. Maybe you could sell them, or if you have fish that like brine shrimp. These shrimp in juvenile stages would be a great snack. Hope that does not sound cruel. It is just logical to me. :good:
for growing the plants you mention, you'll need bright lights, fine substrate and some sort of fertiliser underneath. shrips do sound great though. definately too small for goldfish. what about some microrasboras?
i changed my tank some days ago and this is how it looks

It has:
-2 neon tetras
-1 runnynose tetra
-1 platy
-1 featherfin catfish
-3 applesnails


i want to change the plants since they are fake...

what do you think?

i'm gonna put the catfish in a bigger tank since they grow really big and I'll do the same with the snails, but not yet..
i changed my tank some days ago and this is how it looks

It has:
-2 neon tetras
-1 runnynose tetra
-1 platy
-1 featherfin catfish
-3 applesnails

View attachment 56980

i want to change the plants since they are fake...

what do you think?

i'm gonna put the catfish in a bigger tank since they grow really big and I'll do the same with the snails, but not yet..
I do believe you mean rummy nose tetra.

neons and rummy nose need to be in groups of 5-6.
yeah thats what i mean... but i have a question can i have 5-6 neons in my 15 litres tank plus 5-6 rummynose tetra???? isn't it too small
yeah thats what i mean... but i have a question can i have 5-6 neons in my 15 litres tank plus 5-6 rummynose tetra???? isn't it too small

Yes too small but you really can't have 1 either...

I would say a minimum group of 4 for shoaling fish, but you really shouldn't have any of those fish in that tank, especially the featherfin that will get 8inches in size!! You really should have done some research before putting all those fish into a 15 litre tank!

Platys- need at least 5 gallons, but 10 is much better.
Neon Tetras- really need a 10 gallon, especially because you need a shoal, two is not enough!
Rummy nose- same as Neons although I would think a 15 or 20 gallon would be better for these guys
Synodontis- I would say minimum 40 or 50 gallons?
I'd also say that those fish are not going to work out at all. You should take them back to the shop and get a betta!! There great, but have you cycled your tank?

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