Fish Fanatic
I have a hard water tank with 7 guppies and 3 Millenium rainbows. The tank is 20 gallon tall. The Rainbowfish are really active, and they do not seem very stressed. They swim around the tank actively all day, they always come out and hang in the front of the tank when I am in the room. They eat well, and get along great with the guppies. Ultimately, I know the tank is probably not big enough for them and they are not full sized yet (they are 2.25-2.75 inches). They are beautiful fish, and truly amazing to watch. I've become fascinated by fishkeeping through the last 2 months of owning these guys and setting up this tank for them, and it would be really tragic to have to take them back to the store. Is this really what needs to be done though? I mean, putting aside the websites saying they need a 55 gallon. I want to give them the best life possible, and if they really can't live happily in this tank, I will need to take them back. But they just don't seem unhappy, yet... just need advice. Thanks.