I dunno. My 55 tank has remained empty. Lately I've found my interests, or rather morale, is dying - as is my sorority. I've already lost two and my favorite one ever seems to be going the same way. We have a fungus, which is being treated, but from experience, meds never do anything for me. I just sort of feel like whatever I do is going to die. I sort of don't see the interest in it anymore. Before when I saw pictures of fish or stuff I would say, 'aww...' now I just say, why am I looking at fish? I've become more involved with dogs but I don't want to give up fish. What am I supposed to do with the tank? I want baby bettas but whenever I try to breed I completely, totally and utterly SCREW UP! The only way I'd attempt now is with pet store fish and then I would have a guilty subconcious, know I'm doing everything I didn't want to do. So what guys? The one thing I'd like to do, is morally corrupt. If my DT makes it I might... but I just don't know what to do... do something bad and enjoy it, or not do anything and just lose interest.