What To Do With Discus?


Mostly New Member
Dec 22, 2015
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I lost all of my Discus (5) but one in a die off. I fixed all the problems in the tank and the single Discus seems pretty healthy, but I know Discus need to be in a group, and I don't have the money to buy another five. I feel bad for the guy, and I really don't want to loose him. Should I try donating him to my LFS? Do you think I could keep him until I get the funds for another shoal?
I would trade him in at the LFS, it's too hard for them alone
tunagirll said:
I would trade him in at the LFS, it's too hard for them alone
Do you think a pair would be alright? I may be able to afford another Discus or two.
Agree.  The "pair" must bond, as not every male/female will get along.  This is best achieved by having several and letting the fish select their mates.  Adding a second fish of the opposite gender, if you can ascertain this, may or may not work, so then you would have more problems.  Under your present circumstances, if the store will accept the discus, it would be best.  A discus alone for any length of time may have difficult accepting any tankmates down the road.
Byron said:
Agree.  The "pair" must bond, as not every male/female will get along.  This is best achieved by having several and letting the fish select their mates.  Adding a second fish of the opposite gender, if you can ascertain this, may or may not work, so then you would have more problems.  Under your present circumstances, if the store will accept the discus, it would be best.  A discus alone for any length of time may have difficult accepting any tankmates down the road.
I decided to check my LFS to see if they'll take Discus, and they said they would. But thats the second problem, they typically don't order Discus and the only tank with Discus they have contains only one Discus. I was thinking about adopting it, but they want $90 for a tiny 3 inch blue Discus.
I found a guy that will sell me Discus for $35 a piece, do you think if I got two of similarly sized it'd be okay?
chadschuster0321 said:
Agree.  The "pair" must bond, as not every male/female will get along.  This is best achieved by having several and letting the fish select their mates.  Adding a second fish of the opposite gender, if you can ascertain this, may or may not work, so then you would have more problems.  Under your present circumstances, if the store will accept the discus, it would be best.  A discus alone for any length of time may have difficult accepting any tankmates down the road.
I decided to check my LFS to see if they'll take Discus, and they said they would. But thats the second problem, they typically don't order Discus and the only tank with Discus they have contains only one Discus. I was thinking about adopting it, but they want $90 for a tiny 3 inch blue Discus.
I found a guy that will sell me Discus for $35 a piece, do you think if I got two of similarly sized it'd be okay?
No one can predict what will occur when new discus are introduced with the lone discus.
If the store is prepared to pay you for the discus, I would be tempted to sell the fish to the store.  Then, down the road when circumstances allow, acquire a group of five or six discus from a reliable breeder.
Byron said:

Agree.  The "pair" must bond, as not every male/female will get along.  This is best achieved by having several and letting the fish select their mates.  Adding a second fish of the opposite gender, if you can ascertain this, may or may not work, so then you would have more problems.  Under your present circumstances, if the store will accept the discus, it would be best.  A discus alone for any length of time may have difficult accepting any tankmates down the road.
I decided to check my LFS to see if they'll take Discus, and they said they would. But thats the second problem, they typically don't order Discus and the only tank with Discus they have contains only one Discus. I was thinking about adopting it, but they want $90 for a tiny 3 inch blue Discus.
I found a guy that will sell me Discus for $35 a piece, do you think if I got two of similarly sized it'd be okay?
No one can predict what will occur when new discus are introduced with the lone discus.
If the store is prepared to pay you for the discus, I would be tempted to sell the fish to the store.  Then, down the road when circumstances allow, acquire a group of five or six discus from a reliable breeder.

Alright so I found a pretty reputable guy willing to sell me a group of 5 Discus for a reasonable price. They're all the size of my current Discus, should I go through with it?
I keep discus. If I was you I'd go for the 5 new ones if you want to keep discus.then thats a good place to start.

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