What To Do With A 24g Cube?


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
Am fixating on upgrading my tank as buying / selling a house is such an unpleasent process, it's nice to have a nice goal at the end of the pain!

Will be moving everything from my nano into a 80-100 gallon reef and therefore will have the cube / cube sump free for a new project.

Had thought about dwarf seahorses, but they seem like too much of a pain to bother with. Ideally this should be something "pretty" rather that cool (otherwise I'd be researching frogfish) as it'll be in the dining room and I need to keep the other half happy!

Any suggestions for something I can research while I'm bored at work?
thought about it, but it seems a waste given the dimensions of the tank as there'd be a lot of swimming space it wouldn't use. also, they don't win any points on the "pretty" scale i'm afraid, plus i like to get my hands in the tank to sort things out and don't the idea of a getting my fingers battered :/

i'm tempted to just a group of chromis, she loves them and it'd be nice and simple
also lots of people are annoyed by the mantis clicking
i like the dragon pipefish :)

dunno what thats liek on your interestign scale though .... or wether there that easy to care for ..
not a bad suggestion!

no nothing about them, will have to do some googling

cheers shibby
no probs and you can consider a jawfish as a tank mate for them for a bit of qwerky nature :D what i wanted to do with my nano!!

got the best colourings of the pipefish imo!
You could also just try a Zooanthid garden :). Having only one type of coral (zoos) should promote growth.
after some brief reading, it seems most species of sea dragon grow to 30cm+ :/

back to the drawing board
sea dragons or seamoths arent avaliable for sale endangered and dont last long in aquariums.

the dragon pipefish howeever should fit into a nano....
Zoo/Ric Garden all the way, though if you have the same luck as me with finding decent colour morphs it may take a while. Damn UK Zoo's
You get some good one's come up on ebay, but i agree, the ones you see in shops are ALWAYS brown IME.

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