What to do with a 10 gal

Teelie said:
No, never, ever leave a male with a female, or a group of females. Males are 100% solitary animals when it comes to other Bettas. Males can go with some community fish but that's another topic altogether.
huh? :huh: there was a bunch of females bettas and a male in a 29 tank in my lfs! :huh: i dont get it :no: iiiii doooooont geeeeeet it :-( i knew that they could only be kept with females only for the breeding time :) so thats a point in favor, but you just cant deny that females can be kept in group sometimes! i've seen a lot of taanks with females betta and they were playin not nippin on each others finnage or what so ever :S

edited: aww dont worry :) we love to answers other's doubts! ( i do when i know i can answer to their questions :p ) and you are very welcome!
Yeah, that's right. Females can be kept together in certain conditions with enough plants and hiding spots but males should never be kept with other Betta, no matter how large the aquarium. If they don't start fighting soon, they'll start eventually.
I don't recommend keeping them together personally. But usually 4 or more females are fine together. Males always fly solo.
can you shed some light on my last questiong Wuvmybetta or delores. I will stop asking questions soon. Just in the mood for enlightenment now
How long does the process last meaning.... how often should i check on them to see if she is laying eggs and all that. How long does it take once i get them?
oh....well here we need either tellie or wubmybetta , cuz i aint answerin that, i dont want to messed it up , i dont know about that :/ if i kno i'd tell you :) :unsure: but actually you would check them everyday to see if they are ok or not , kno what i mean?
There should be eggs within 48 hours of their being together and the eggs take about 2-4 days to hatch. Once they hatch they need to be fed fry food. Usually brine shrimp.
so it doesnt matter? They will mate in the first day that i get them? And does the male have to be present when female lays eggs? or can he come after? Say i didnt see her lay eggs till like 5 minutes later?
I hate to sound rude so please don't be offended. But please don't consider breeding your bettas until you've done lots (and lots!) of research. It can be a tricky process and you really need to get to know your bettas first. Then keep in mind that betta fry are 3 handfuls! They need lots of live food and super clean water, at least a 40 gallon tank to grow out in (or a million jars!) then they'll start to fight at around 3 months and you'll have to seperate them and eventually find something to do with about 100 little bad attitude,solitairy fish. It's not a project to rush in to and it will cost you a pretty penny ;)
Yea, I wasnt planning on breeding them, I was just curious? I plan on just getting 1 betta in my 10 gal. just because i like there colors and shape. Thanks for all the answers though.
K then, I'll chatter 'bout bettas all day if ya like :lol:

You won't really get to see much egg laying. The bettas kind of have a dance of sorts then the male wraps himself around the female and squeezes. Her eggs fall to the bottom and he picks them up,sometimes she helps, and places them in the bubblenest. After they're done spawning the male will turn on the female and begins attacking, so she's removed. Dad stays with the nest and watches,cleans,moves the eggs.24 hours later the eggs begin to hatch, dad continues his care until the 3rd day when the fry are free swimming, then he must be removed too.
I was reading all about bettas last night and this morning and it says that the wont spawn if they are older than 6 months why is that? Doesnt leave much room for error! haha Very neat fish but odd in breeding and way of life. They must get bored

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