What to do with a 10 gal


Apr 28, 2004
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Hesperia, Ca USA
I have a 10 gal. tank and i have 3 mollies right not 1 male and 3 female. I was hoping that they were going to breed although i havent seen anything. Wonder why? So I want to just put them in my 55 gal and put something else in my 10 gal. Thinking just adding plants and growing plants for my 55. Also i am thinking bettas. What do you think?
I'm growing plants in my 10 gallon and have a Betta in there right now. I want to do something more with mine but nothing else has come to mind.
i would go with some females bettas so you can have at least 3 (more fun 2 watch) dont you think, yeah i kno males are prettier, but at least you can imagine a little story with the females :p, otherwise if you dont want the females get the betta :)


the best betta seller online i've seen! (maybe a little expensive but they are hooooooooot as hell) you can adopt some i read! but the ones that are not thaaaaaaat hot =\

Females can be just as attractive as males. I have a blue female and a violet purple one and both have a lot of character and color. Breeding though, that's a more complicated thing.
kgrehm said:
what you mean imagine a story with the females. If i wanted to breed them what should i do?
yeah like whats going on between them :p :rolleyes: and i guess that if you want to breed them add a male on there or search for an already pregnat female, or if you are going to buy from the webstite that i just gave you , on comments put that you want a pregnat one maybe the price can get even a little more expensive tho. im really new to bettas so im sucking all the info i can as fast as possible :)
Getting a pregnant female will be difficult. They only get to that point when they're in the presence of a male and ready to spawn which takes place fairly quick.
That sounds like a good plan. How do they ship? ex. fast? etc....

Also if i have like 2 females and 1 male do i still have to separate them? How would i work that? Just add the males for a couple hrs. a day? do i need plants or will they breed and nest in an open tank?

Sorry for all the questions. :D
Males can never be kept with females except during breeding and then you must follow some strict rules.

First, the female needs a place to hide. Second, the male will attack the female and she'll probably attack back so you'll have some fin damage from it. Third, the male will build a bubblenest. They'll court, she'll get fertilized and drop the eggs and then the male will take them and put them in the bubble nest. Fourth, you must remove the female immediately afterwards or shel'll tear up the male, the nest and eat the eggs. Finally, once the eggs hatch, the male must be removed or he'll eat the fry and you'll have gone through all that for nothing.

I've left a few parts out but those are the main points in mating Betta.
So 1 male to 3 bettas are ok? Will they breed right away? How long should i leave the male in there? Will they gang up on the male? How long is spawning and all that?

Hahah so much to learn.
No, never, ever leave a male with a female, or a group of females. Males are 100% solitary animals when it comes to other Bettas. Males can go with some community fish but that's another topic altogether.
So if i cant leave the males in there how long should i leave the male in there to breed? and when do i put the male in?
When you breed Betta, it's only one male and one female and the best way to breed them is to set the male in a breeder tank with the female in a smaller tank so they can see one another. If the male is interested, he'll build a bubble nest and if the female is interested, you'll see her start to plump up with eggs. Once that happens, put the female in with the male. You should see eggs within 48 hours and if none are in the nest then take the female out.

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