What To Do When Getting A New Tank


Fish Addict
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
North London UK
Hi everyone and today im needing some answers for when getting a new fish tank as i may get one in a few months:

What can i do to help speed up the cycling process in a new tank?
should i get fine gravel (not pebble sized but smaller) as i heard it stops dirt from building up under as theres no space for waste to go threw?
any thing else to kickstart a new tank
Keeping the tank at a high temp e.g 28 & 29 C will help the cycle(make sure there is some water agitation on the surface from the the filter).
Doing water changes weekly will also replenish the tank of minerals and remove unwanted Nitrates.

If you choose the larger pea gravel you can still syphon every week to remove waste.
Thanks mattyeatsmacks :good: my house is undergoing some work and my living room will be finished in about 2-3 weeks were the carpet and furniture will come and my room may get started on work so after its finished i may get a 130L aquastyle 620T in my room or if my dad agrees a bigger tank in the living room. What would it mean to agitate the surface :good:
Getting some mature filter media will speed up your cycle. If you're in the U.S. it can be purchased online. Agitating the surface means creating ripples or splashes with a spraybar or powerhead. If you use a sand substrate no dirt gets under it.

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