What To Do If Platies Have Fry?.

What sorts of fish do you have in your tank and how many and how many gallons is the tank? Some types of fish are notorious for eating fry, so if you just leave the fry in the tank they will most likely be gobbled up depending on what types of fish you have :thumbs: . You can also just euthanise them as well if you don't want them.
If you do want them though, it depends on how many you want to raise, how many gallons your tank is and how much extra space it has, plus wether you want to set up a spare fry tank :thumbs: .
just leave your plattie fry in there when they start to get big if there isnt enough room move some out. what size tank
if you want more fry take the fry out(the parents will eat them) and grow them in atleast a 10 gal until you find something beter
With the tank size you have know, you'd probably be best to leave them in there so you don't get more. Once you get your bigger tank, you might want to put the fry in this tank, and grow them up some. :thumbs: I'd reccomend a 10 gallon minimum for a proper fry tank though if you want to know more about fry tanks, I've written and article on it here.

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