What To Choose As I'm Going In Circles.


Fish Crazy
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Plymouth UK
Hi Guys

I'm not sure if this should be here or in the begginer section but figured I may get a better response inthis section. I am looking for a Plec for a 30US gallon tank. It is a Juwel Rekord 120 (48"x12"x15"depth) as still has the internal filter as I have only recently setup. If needs must I would be happy to upgrade this to an external such as one of the Ehiem range.
Anyway to cut to the chase I am looking for a group of approx 3 Plec's I have had a look at the pinned topic of small Plec's but still can't make up my mind. Ideally the fish should meet the following points:

Hardy fish (I am quite new to the hobby although my dad has a fair amount of expierence but not with Plec's)

Looks (I know this is objective but stiking markings etc would be good)

Algae Eater (More cos I like the way they suck on to things as opposed to cutting down algae)

Availability (I am in Plymouth UK)

Price (No stupidly priced mega rare fish I am happy to pay sensible money)

Thanks in advance

Hi Ben - not sure if a trio would be suitable behaviour/tank size wise, but Ancistrus species are hardy, small (common bristlenoses reaching 4-5", sometimes a little more) and excellent algae eaters (all plecs need feeding too though as I'm sure you already know). Some are fairly cheap too - common bristlenoses going for about £2 each at 1.5". Apparently most "common bristlenoses" sold in LFS are ancistrus sp. 3:


Other than that, quite a lot of the smaller plecs are really expensive, but Clown Plecs (panaque maccus) seem to go cheaply at about a fiver each here (don't know if they'd be happy to live in a trio, someone more experienced will be able to tell you *lol*). However they're a panaque species and therefore need bogwood in their diet(and make a bit of sawdust!):

Thanks KathyM, gives me a few ideas to play with LFS showed me some Honk Kong Plecs which I did like but have found out they can be sensitive to water conditions. I have a community tank with a large piece of bogwood hiding the internal filter and have a couple of small pieces soaking to add the tank is also quite well planted so lots of hiding places for them.

It did seem as though a lot of the smaller species were hard to get hold of as I kept seeing rare in the descriptions.

I like the clown plecs what would be the ideal stocking level for my size tank.


Hi Ben

The Hong Kong Pleco is a name for the Hillstream Loach - it's not a true plec, and comes from Asia (China?) where it lives in cooler, flowing streams and the likes from what I've read. They prefer cooler water to most tropicals and a good current. I've heard they're not very hardy but that might be because people mistakenly keep them in warm water (maybe someone else has experience of them?)? They're pretty cool looking *lol*.

Sounds like you've got a nice little setup there for a small species. When it comes to numbers though, I'm afraid I'm not experienced in the 30g with small plec side of things - I was daft enough to buy a gibby and rearrange my whole living situation around him *lmao*. :lol:

Good luck and as and when you get them, be sure to post pics for me to coo over :D

Thanks KathyM, gives me a few ideas to play with LFS showed me some Honk Kong Plecs which I did like but have found out they can be sensitive to water conditions. I have a community tank with a large piece of bogwood hiding the internal filter and have a couple of small pieces soaking to add the tank is also quite well planted so lots of hiding places for them.

It did seem as though a lot of the smaller species were hard to get hold of as I kept seeing rare in the descriptions.

I like the clown plecs what would be the ideal stocking level for my size tank.



Planetcatfish has a very good article on keeping this plecs :) ;


I have to back up that these little pleco's do poop a lot, so if you have gravel make sure you clean it at least once a week- if you have sand, adding another filter to the tank at the bottom helps out a lot too. Try and get a variety of peices of driftwood (for shelter and eating), mopani wood sold in many lfs is good in particular :) .
Thats a good writeup and settles my nerves a little as I was thinking of a few tetras but didn't want them to become mobile snacks LOL. Just got to convince the other half now as she wants YoYo loaches.

As soon as I have them I'll post some pics but wont be for a while as the tank is still maturing. Watch this space.

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