What To Breed For Food For Eel

this thing is only 12 inches im not sure what i could give him from the ocean if its just shrimp, right now im feeding him brackish ghost shrimp
Make sure you gut load the shrimp with flakes. A live feeder shrimp is only really as nutritious as what they have eaten.

An eel that size will take small prawns and chopped muscle. Try speaking to CFC, he has raised a number of brackish morays.
this thing is only 12 inches im not sure what i could give him from the ocean if its just shrimp, right now im feeding him brackish ghost shrimp
Try lancefish, whitebait, mussels, squid and shrimp

All go down well with eels

You could also try earthworms
what if in my other tank i put the ghost shrimp in and had them being fed like a chunck of squid that whey there gut loaded with good thing for the eel

either that or i drop some cut up calamri in the tank, im sure with that smell the eel would love it

any other suggestions or comments :hyper:

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