What To Breed For Food For Eel


Jun 30, 2007
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well i have a freshwater moray eel, and i have a free 20 gal,and i hear that the feeder goldfish things can have parasites, so what i was thinking was just breed my own food

How do you do this i could use as much info as i can

And onother 1 is breeding ghost shrimp any1 know anything about this that would be a great help

20 gal
No fish so far
going threw cycle
have sand possibly for the ghost shrimp if needed
also i have a thing to put the adult fish in so they wont eat the fry

you are going to need 2 tanks to do this. get like 10 guppies, 3 males, 7 females and put them in a 10 gallon cycled tank. get another tank and put a female that has a gravid spot and put her in one of these in the other tank.
then wait till shes done with that and put her back in the other tank and empty the fry out into the tank. take another female that looks likes shes ready and put her and keep repeating. take the fry out and put them into the adult tank when they are like 1/2 to 3/4 inch. if the tank starts to get crowded, put an airstone in there for more aeration. you should have an endless supply of guppies that are gut loaded afterwards.

Edit: oh yeah, you obviously want this tank to be bare so you can do water changes really easily, just put a net before the siphon to make sure you dont end up with a whole bunch of guppies in your bucket.
ok but im gonna be breading feederfish, but i guess that this is sorta general?
u can feed guppys to them???? i thought guppys were just a fun fish?
Your best bet would be to breed some sort of livebearer rather than goldfish. There are some egg layers that are known for fast reproduction.

Guppies, swordtails, mollies, and platies all will reproduce like crazy. Guppies being the most prolific of the group.
Why do you need feeders anyway? Morays are hardly tricky to feed, try prawns, lancefish, squid, mussels...
Why do you need feeders anyway? Morays are hardly tricky to feed, try prawns, lancefish, squid, mussels...

Absolutely agree

You will need to breed a lot of guppies to feed a Moray

Also they are not the most efficient hunters - probably wouldn't catch the guppies
so what do u intend for me to do? just feed him shrimp?
ya this guy is in brackish not fully saltwater i dont wanna give him things straight from the ocean

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