What to add to 70 Gallon tank?


Fish Addict
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Carterton, nr. Oxford, UK
I'm looking after a 192 gal (Uk) with 1 Rubbernose pleco and 6 orange danios. The tank has no plants (I'm going to plant it up) And is practically completely empty and I have an unlimited budget. I've already ear marked another Rubber nose and 14 Tetras (Not sure what type yet, it would be a great tank for shoaling) I would like some cories aswell and flase SAE's (A mirror of my home tank Maybe) But what else, It's got to be interesting and fun, Rams maybe?

70 Gals?
24 degrees
0 Nitrate, O nitrite, Nitrate ?
Substrate = thick rounded yellowey pebbles
Filter = Eheim Massive evil looking thing http://www.aqua-vin.nl/Eheim/eheim%20nieuw...%2024082001.jpg
Lighting = 1 2 foot Daylight fluro tube
Aereation = 1X 2 output air pump and one air stone
Unlimited budget hey?....

I'd go for around 25-30 CARDINAL tetra's. THey are almost identical to neons but are a lot better, bit smaller and more impressive (colour wise).

May be buy 2 or 3 of those big round fish too - think they're called discus'?

5 or 6 transparent shrimps (good for algae cleaning).

Plant LOTS of plants. So many tanks are lacking plants and it looks so much better with more plants. Believe me.

Think that's what I'd do anyhow!
Hey johnathan,

cardinals get BIGGER than neons, not smaller. Discus's are very sensitive to temperatures. I'd suggest, gouramis. Any kind would do fine. A shoal of cardinals is a good suggestion, to me. Or you might prefer glow lights. Cories might not be too good. They prefer sand or very fine gravel.

perhaps some kind of loach, they're cute (but i don't know much about them :rolleyes: )

some more water parameters would help, eg.ph. So many fish to choose from! Are you thinking of just tetras or would you want any cichlids too??
This would be mine:
4 Bristlenose (2 Male + 2 Female)
1 Spiny Eels
2 Stripped Talking Catfish
2 Spotted Talking Catfish
6 Silver Sharks
Clown loaches would be good or maybe chain loaches? Loaches are a must in any community set up in my loach loving opinion!!

:) Some clowns would be nice, maybe 4? I have 4 in my 71UK gall tank. The tank isn't 5ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft by any chance is it?! ;)
Perky said:
This would be mine:
4 Bristlenose (2 Male + 2 Female)
1 Spiny Eels
2 Stripped Talking Catfish
2 Spotted Talking Catfish
6 Silver Sharks
Ooooooooohhhhhhhhh, I totally agree with these choices! Those silver sharks are SO COOL! I wish we could have some.

Maybe someday!
why not make it a reef tank? It would be great fun you could get a clown fish and a porcupine puffer or even better a cuddle fish.

So tetras or cardinals, i've always liked tetras more than cardinals but a mix whith glowlights would be cool. For a tank of this size maybe 20 tetras? The gravel isn't too big to have corries but i'd have to get a whole shoal of them. i once had a clown loach but I found him to be very skittish and scaredof everything where as corries are peacefull and not scard of much. Gouramis area serious option but what types should i avoid seeing as this will be a peaceful community tank. thanks guys
I just had a look at silver sharks and they are so cool! how many is a good number? I can't work out how water hardness etc as it is not my tank and it doesn't have any testing kits yet :unsure:
Silver (or Bala) sharks should be kept in a group of at least 3, preferably 5 or more. And they will outgrow a 70 gallon fairly rapidly.

Expect them to get to around 7 inches well within two years. After that they slow down a little but will get to be 12 inches or more eventually.

Clowns shoule also be kept in groups, so maybe that is why your previous one was skittish, and nervous?


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