What The... Why Are They Dying?

Sorry to hear you're still losing them :rip:

Have you added anything to the tank recently?? stock/decor etc??
Sorry for your problems.

It is difficult to diagnose from the distance, but here are two possibilities to consider:

1. Temp of 80F by itself is not dangerous to healthy cories, but in conjunction with low oxygen it may quickly kill the fish. (High temp also means lower dissolved O2.). Try to increase the aeration/water turbulence.

2. Internal parasites (worms) tend to hit bottom fish first. Was any new fish/plant added to the tank in the last two months without a proper quarantine? If yes, I'd look for worm symptoms and would even consider treating for them if the signs are inconclusive.

Good luck!
I had a rainbowfish a while ago that I thought had internal parasites. It was the only fish that showed any kind of symptoms. I actually did try to treat the tank and it ended up killing a couple of the fish (didn't know the meds lowered the oxygen in the water).
I'm still not sure if that fish did have parasites though and absolutely none of the other fish in my tank show signs of having parasites.

As for water aeration, the filter moves the water pretty well. It could probably be better if I added an air stone on the other side of the tank, but really, before, the fish looked totally fine. Active, healthy and now... pffft.

Just found my last little panda floating :(
Sorry for your problems.

It is difficult to diagnose from the distance, but here are two possibilities to consider:

1. Temp of 80F by itself is not dangerous to healthy cories, but in conjunction with low oxygen it may quickly kill the fish. (High temp also means lower dissolved O2.). Try to increase the aeration/water turbulence.

2. Internal parasites (worms) tend to hit bottom fish first. Was any new fish/plant added to the tank in the last two months without a proper quarantine? If yes, I'd look for worm symptoms and would even consider treating for them if the signs are inconclusive.

Good luck!
+1 :good:

I would try a bacteria meds, has mentioned worms can affect the bottom feeders more so than the ones above them,you've nothing else to lose in trying it.

Sorry about your panda :rip:
Just wanted to give an update.

So far, the skunk and remaining julii cory have been ok. The skunks have been VERY timid though, but they look like they're starting to forage for food again. The julii looks very lonely and I hope to purchase more as soon as we have some extra $$ (and the store has some).

The pleco started eating again and looks healthy. I did purchase another pleco and so far it has been totally fine in the tank as well.

Water perims have all remained normal so *shrugs* still no idea what happened before. Hopefully it won't happen again.

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