What the hell happened?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 21, 2005
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Hi all

Yesterday evening my fish were swimming fine in my newly established tank.
This morning all fish in there are dead. Its not so bad as there were only 2 fish in there.

1 Male Guppy
1 Male Platty

Tank = 15Gal US
0 Ammonia
0 Nitrite
0-5 NitrAte
Ph ~7.4

Both fish were floating at the top of the tank.
Both had red arround their gills.

Possible Problems:
Heat as tank was arroung 29-30oC

What happened?
Would the recient heat wave killed the fish?
I have 2 tanks One below the other. The bottom one was the one that was affected.
If this was heat how come the fish in the second tank did not die?

If this was a heat problem was can be done to keep the tanks cool?
Should I Remove the hoods?
Buy an Air Cooler?
Have you sprayed/used any chemicals or room sprays/deodrants near the tank in last 24 hours or anything that could have got into the tank?
29-30degrees is very hot for guppys and platys- they prefer temps around 23-25degrees...
I don't think any room sprays have got in as the tanks are covered with a lid.

Plus bith tanks are in the same room. So why would one be affected and not the other.

What does the redness on the gill mean?

Also is it ok to put more fish in?
I'm certainly no expert but if it were me I would clean the tank completely to get rid of any nasties and cycle tank again, it's got to be better than risking the chance of seeing more fish die for the sake of a few hours work and a few days of cycling!

Just my 2p's worth.

Sorry for your losses.
For the info but wat about all my plants.

I think i will do a large clearout.

Remove all plants sort and clean the add some new water in there.
Re-set plants etc.

Clean filter
And try again.

Hopefully all will be good.
Sorry about your fish, but if you are cleaning the lot don't forget to wash the plants with clean water also.
Don't mean to state the obvious but it has been forgotten before. (by me)

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