'what The Hell Are You Doing'?


Fish Crazy
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
Essex, UK
When you guys show your betta mirrors to get him to flare do you put it in or hold it to the glass? I tried it with mine and he looked at me like 'what the hell r u doing' hahaha if looks could kill
Hold it against the glass. ;) Are you sure he saw the reflection? I mean bettas are smart, but not THAT smart, lol... ;)
Hold it against the glass. ;) Are you sure he saw the reflection? I mean bettas are smart, but not THAT smart, lol... ;)

Bettas ARE that smart. My betta rainbow(RIP) knew the difference between the mirror and a different betta.

But ya outside the glass ;)
mine goes nuts if i put a mirror next to his tank, he even flares when i wear a hat!!
Every time I turn the 5 gallon light on in the morning our Betta shoots to the front of the tank and flares up :D

He hates the mirror also...
We have a Betta that flares at everything but not at my fiancee. Stupid fish ..... I am the one who feeds him and cleans the tank humph
purhaps he's just reserved. my cousin has a betta that lives in a tank of guppies. normally a betta would have a blast decapitateing them one after another, but this one just floats around. he wont flare at mirrors either. maybe your betta is a hippie. :p
:p My Brodie only flares at my really tiny betta! If I show him a mirror he ignores it and if I show him the big bad betta next door he goes to the other side of his tank and is very busy hunting on the floor and looking under his bridge! :lol: :lol:
Of course bettas flares at themselves because they think that they see another betta such as themselves...bettas do protect their own terroitory because whenever you mate them with a female betta they learn how to protect and care for them...you know what im sayin'?
One of my bettas flares at me...actually he flares at pretty much anything that moves. :lol:

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