What The Heck?

AshP1986 said:
What's a VN?
What are you talking about?
I am referring to this quote here
Shelster said:
RCA - the loach was purchased as one of two 12 years ago. It's 'friend' died 3years ago and he has never shown any signs of aggression before now.
I have two smaller polkadot loaches that came with a tank I bought as a hospital tank.(that was only 30 litres!)

I made the decision for euthanasia as he was constantly swimming confused as to his whereabouts and exhausting himself tbh. I didn't take the decision lightly, I am a VN and know when to take the call.

Thanks for the replies folks, hubby has now done the deed, it was instant too. *sigh*

Now keeping a very close 'eye' on the situation in the tank - pardon the pun.

IF I decide to remove the remainder of my cories into my 54litre, will they be ok with my pygmy s who are a quarter the size?

Thanks for advice.
I think you'd be better off getting rid of the loach, tbh; once fish get a taste for doing things like that it's very hard to stop them :/ You bigger cories would be fine with the pygmys. although 54l is a bit on the small side, long term, at least they'd be safe for the moment.
Thanks for replies.

Just had a word with the husband re loach but he really likes him (so do I) just so annoyed this has happened.

I am in the middle of revamping my 180 litre, adding more plants and hidey holes so hopefully this will help. - will put pics up.

VN = Qualified veterinary nurse have been working in practice for twelve years now.

AshP1986 said:
Could he go in the 30l alone?
Be too small for him I'm afraid, he is about 5" long.
Awe I see lock, sorry about that.
And WOW 5 inches.... holy moly. Can I see a pic of the loach? I don't think I have ever seen one.... and I would love to see your fishies
Ill try! X
I will hopefully do a quick kinda tank journal type thing in a new thread when I get a chance. :)
Shelster said:
VN = Qualified veterinary nurse have been working in practice for twelve years now.
Ahhhhh. Thanks!
AshP1986 said:
Awe I see lock, sorry about that.
This Old Spouse said:
This is such a nasty topic, but when I need to euthanize a fish I'll net it and then take it over to the sink and smack the net against the side of the sink really hard. It's instantaneous and they don't suffer at all like putting them in alcohol or freezing them or even using clove oil. It's immediate and painless.
I would argue that freezing them does not give any pain.  From what I've read, it just gives a quick hypothermia and kills them painlessly.  But not trying to start a debate about which ways are best to kill fish!  Sorry if this is going off-topic.
I'm very sorry that you lost your fish :( nothing like that's ever happened to me before!  Poor little guy.  But you did the right thing in putting him out of his pain.
CoryLover95 said:
This is such a nasty topic, but when I need to euthanize a fish I'll net it and then take it over to the sink and smack the net against the side of the sink really hard. It's instantaneous and they don't suffer at all like putting them in alcohol or freezing them or even using clove oil. It's immediate and painless.
I would argue that freezing them does not give any pain.  From what I've read, it just gives a quick hypothermia and kills them painlessly.  But not trying to start a debate about which ways are best to kill fish!  Sorry if this is going off-topic.
I'm very sorry that you lost your fish
nothing like that's ever happened to me before!  Poor little guy.  But you did the right thing in putting him out of his pain.
It depends on how cold the freezer is. If it's a standard domestic freezer on a standard setting, then the process of freezing is actually pretty slow, it turns the water within the fish's cells into ice slowly and as I understand it, painfully.
Personally, I always use the clove oil method. That way, the fish is never out of water (and therefore suffocating), and drifts off peacefully.
the_lock_man said:

This is such a nasty topic, but when I need to euthanize a fish I'll net it and then take it over to the sink and smack the net against the side of the sink really hard. It's instantaneous and they don't suffer at all like putting them in alcohol or freezing them or even using clove oil. It's immediate and painless.
I would argue that freezing them does not give any pain.  From what I've read, it just gives a quick hypothermia and kills them painlessly.  But not trying to start a debate about which ways are best to kill fish!  Sorry if this is going off-topic.
I'm very sorry that you lost your fish
nothing like that's ever happened to me before!  Poor little guy.  But you did the right thing in putting him out of his pain.
It depends on how cold the freezer is. If it's a standard domestic freezer on a standard setting, then the process of freezing is actually pretty slow, it turns the water within the fish's cells into ice slowly and as I understand it, painfully.
Personally, I always use the clove oil method. That way, the fish is never out of water (and therefore suffocating), and drifts off peacefully.

Oh.  I'm sorry, I didn't know that.  From what I read on the internet, it was painless, but it's probably better to whack them.
I've tried all the methods, and seen them suffer with many of them. Whacking is the method of choice for me.

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