What the fuplie can I do about these?

SURE!...my fish would love them!...wonder what overnight shipping from the UK to Texas would cost? :p

Man, that's a big pup foot in your avatar!
It IS a big pup foot! Great dane - he was 9/10 weeks old when that picture was taken. We very sadly lost him last September. Back legs kept collapsing under him - the great tragedy of a dog that size is when their joints go, that's the end really. it was very distressing for him - and for us, too. He was nearly 9, which isn't a bad age for a dane. The picture below is him wrapped i his duvet. (He liked to keep warm - was a proper little hothouse flower.)


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Dang, I have a tank with about 209 ramshorn and MTS in it. They don’t just fine there way to such a tank do they???
They just appeared, as though by magic (or perhaps MAGYCK!), as though some demon has cast an evil spell on my snailarium.

I also have another big plastic (coldwater) container with extra plants in it - I am going to check that today to see if anything untoward is in there <shudder>.
Dang, I have a tank with about 209 ramshorn and MTS in it. They don’t just fine there way to such a tank do they???
Also - I love your "about" 209 ramshorns. That is a delightfully specific number to be vague about - LOVE IT! :lol:
OH, those are COOL! If you lived in the USA I'd ask you to send me some. Seriously. I love stuff like that. But since you live in the UK, I suggest you open your mind and let them be. In the words of the great teacher, Dana Carvey, "Accept it before it destroys you!"
OH, those are COOL! If you lived in the USA I'd ask you to send me some. Seriously. I love stuff like that. But since you live in the UK, I suggest you open your mind and let them be. In the words of the great teacher, Dana Carvey, "Accept it before it destroys you!"
I'm not going to kill them (that would involve CONTACT - or at least LOOKING AT THEM <boak>) - I was just wondering if they were harmful (seems they're not) and how to get rid of them (I think it would involve dumping/sterilising EVERYTHING in the tank and starting over (too expensive) and how - HOW did they get in?????

We will never know . . .

But Dana gives good advice.
It IS a big pup foot! Great dane - he was 9/10 weeks old when that picture was taken. We very sadly lost him last September. Back legs kept collapsing under him - the great tragedy of a dog that size is when their joints go, that's the end really. it was very distressing for him - and for us, too. He was nearly 9, which isn't a bad age for a dane. The picture below is him wrapped i his duvet. (He liked to keep warm - was a proper little hothouse flower.)
Awww, sorry for your loss...he was a pretty fella, and a good boy, I'm betting...

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