What Tetra


New Member
May 3, 2006
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Hi all,

Wanted to ask a question as to what to add to my Biorb 60.

Had it going a couple of months and have 3 Guppies and 2 Dwarf Gourami's.

Now looking to finish it off by adding a shoal of Tetra's. I had Neon Tetra's last time I had a tank many years ago but these didn't seem to shoal.

So my quesiton is what Tetra's will go best in my Biorb? Was hoping to get around 8 so they can't be ones that grow that much and as I have said I would like them to shoal. Obviously would want to keep clear of any fin nippers.

Many thanks in advance for any replies.
In my experience fish only shoal when they feel threatened i.e by another fish or by a disturbance in the tank.
A biorb is what - 8 gallons?

Tetras aren't the best schoolers. Try a rasbora species. If this is a very small tank (ie: the 8 gallons I suspect), I'd suggest a group of 5 spotted rasboras. No more than that because you already have a few fish and even just the 5 will render your tank over-stocked.
If the tank is bigger (though do post just how big), a school of harlequin rasboras should serve your purpose (but they are not suited to anything under 15 gallons - more IMO).
Thanks for your reply guys.

It is a Biorb 60 which I think is about 16 gallons.
Thread gets moved and then no one replies :sad:
I think you've got some good advice there... to be fair, no tetra's really shoal closely all the time, unless they feel threatened all the time. Personally, I lke neons and cardinals, also rosy tetra's (which do seem to shoal a bit more than my cardinals do).
If this is a 60 litre tank, that's 16 US gallons.

Rummynose or Firehead tetras tend to shoal well but they wouldn't be appropriate in a 16 gal tank IMO.

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