Certainly under debate here.
the Black neon tetra or silver tipped is most likely, But the stripe don't run along the body so that rules out the black neon, yet the silver tipped just don't look correct
Sorry I am having so much trouble getting a decent photo, As they are so fast and don't stay still.
They basically look the same now as they did in that photo, just my shiny
Still maintain a black tip on the end of their tail, and have no red in them what so ever, Maybe a hint of blueish on them.
you see I'd like to mix in with them Some "threadfin Rainbow" fish and concerned if they will nip their gorgeous fins.
I'm also having a lot of trouble getting them to feed, they refuse to go to the surface and eat (they have no competition as all my other fish are corydoras)
my flakes are very finely crushed as they have such small mouth, my next step is to try brine shrimp, my question here is would fry food be any good to them? as thats very small..
Thanks for any help and sorry for my rambling as I'm at work
EDIT: I just put Liquifry in and they are going absolute mental
so thats good.. on another note I think they are Black neon tetras