What Temperature Do You Try To Keep Your Tank At?

I aim for around 78F, but not all the tanks stay there all the time. They vary from 76F to 79F, depending on the tank and the day.
79. they're all really active and enjoy it, although it's not supposed to be too good for the goldfishes life span they've thrived since they joined the tropicals :)
I have neons, panda corys, otos, guppy. I keep it around 24 degrees (75F)
When I kept predominantly labyrinth and rasboras in IL, I kept the tanks at 80. Now that I keep more corys than I used to, it's now dropped to 75, but I'm lucky. I live in Miami, FL and can pretty much get away with room temperature until it gets too cold.

llj :)
26 Degrees Celsius, I going to put if up if I have any more white spot problems.

white spot is alwais in the water its a parasite your fish just arnt healthy enough to deal with it, sighns that you have too much nitrate.

clown loaches grow 12 inches long.

you cannot have then in a 10 gallon by any means,space wise your other fish are fine get beter filtration, with the amount of fish you have nothing less than a 20 gallon hang on filter will do.
i try to keep mine at 26 degrees / 79 farenheit.

its at 28/29 at the mo clearing up some white spot

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