what temp?


Fish Crazy
Sep 6, 2004
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What temp do i have to keep my tank?

i got a thermostat in there for aorund 8 hours (overnight and a bit of the night) also have no fish in there atm..

but what temp does the tank have to stay at/? around 25oc?
the temperature depends on the species of fish you are going to have.
Fish such as gouramis like it warmer, whereas danios like it slightly cooler and minnows like it almost coldwater
errrrrrrrr dunno,

prob either mollies/guppies some of those little neon looking fish and a small catfish (i think thats what they called...the fish that swim around suvking the case and gravel)

would aorund 25oc be perfect?
Between 75F and 78F is normal for general tropical fish. Discus prefer warmer and minnows and danios like cooler but 75-78 is a good tempature to keep all your fish happy.

Ive had the thermo in my tank for about 20 hours so far stuck on 25, but my temp doesnt seem to warm...just luke cold kinda

i know i gotta get a thermometer which i am gonna but is 25c quite warm or quite cold?
I had a similar problem. I moved the heater and it solved it, now I have the filter/pump at the back left side of the tank, and the heater at a diagonal angle ( \ rather than / ) directly under the stream coming out the top of the filter. Try that.

Disclaimer: I AM A NOOB.
well the heater i got goes into the filter if that makes sense...

there are like three chambers (look like this)

_|== |______________
| T | F | P |
| H | I | U |
| E | L | M |
| R | T | P |
Water In ------>) M | E | (---------> Water Out
| O | R | |

If that makes sense? :look:

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