What Tank Mates For A Betta


Fish Fanatic
Jan 16, 2011
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Starting to think about stocking my tank,

I love the look of the Crowntail (i think is called) Betta and would love to keep one as my main centrepiece fish.

I was wondering what if any other fish would be fine to keep with a Betta.

Kind of fish I'm thinking about is a group of schooling fish some kind of tetra of guppy, a flash Pleco (I saw one today and I think they look really nice and maybe something else (would sparkling guoarmis be ok?). I am also wanting to put a number of plants such as Java ferns I think they are called to cover the back and partially the sides of the tank

I have a 60ltr tank with a 100w heater and an elite stingray filter with a moveable head so I can divert the flow.

Any advice for this type of betta or similar bettas would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks

scrap the tetras i have just read a few posts saying they are fin nippers,

So im kind of falling for the guoarmis flash plec and guppy's as tank mates for a better, obviosuly pending he or she being reasonably placid
scrap the tetras i have just read a few posts saying they are fin nippers,

So im kind of falling for the guoarmis flash plec and guppy's as tank mates for a better, obviosuly pending he or she being reasonably placid
guppies is a definite no, they are very bright and vibrant which the better will take as a threat.
Id definately say no to tetras, had some neons in with one of my CT's and they'd literally follow him around, had to remove them from the tank. I've got some cherry barbs in there with him atm and so far ive not seen them have a go, and they are lovely fish, but they are still fairly small prob bout half max size, but im guessing that wont change? they are too busy bickering between themselves or even when not they dont seem interested. Deffo not guppys if you have an aggressive male, or anything a similarish shape and colourful.

From personal exp i can only reccomend cherry barbs, as ive not seen them even remotely interested in my CT.

Possibly danios i had some in my 60 litre with a CT and i never noticed them nipping him, but they are very active and deserve a bigger tank really. I ended up having to give them to a friend with a bigger tank you can prob get away with them i doubt theyd mind all that much (mine where leopard danios) but they really love to swim so. :lol:

Also id be careful with gouramis, i was thinking of getting a pair of honeys but because they are both anabantoids it may cause probs, never tryed it myself so cant say for sure but will depend on individual fish.
There are mixed opinions and experiences, from what I can gather from other peoples views and my experiences I would say the safest option but not guaranteed would be Pygmy Corydoras.

The Betta is likely to ignore them after a while, mine was paired up with a Dwarf gourami (not advised at all) whilst I had to rejig the tanks around. They got on fine then the gourami went back into my main tank and now the Betta is with my pygmys and 1 apple snail. No issues at all with this arrangement, initially the Betta had some interest in chasing the Corys but it wore off by the time I had finished eating my dinner....
i think i might try,

Rasboras or cherry barbs, a flash plec, pygmy gouramis and a ct betta and see how they get on, if its a mismatch with the gouramis then i will swap these out.

ultimately this wont be happening for a few wekks but will keep you posted :)
oh yeh corys get on fine with bettas, have noticed when feeding the corys sometimes try and eat the bettas tail but purely by accident and it hasnt caused any damage, thats with my bronze's though they are big
cheers for the advice guys, cant wait to find my perfect betta!
I've got rummynose tetra's and they're fine with my betta.

There are mixed opinions and experiences, from what I can gather from other peoples views and my experiences I would say the safest option but not guaranteed would be Pygmy Corydoras.

The Betta is likely to ignore them after a while, mine was paired up with a Dwarf gourami (not advised at all) whilst I had to rejig the tanks around. They got on fine then the gourami went back into my main tank and now the Betta is with my pygmys and 1 apple snail. No issues at all with this arrangement, initially the Betta had some interest in chasing the Corys but it wore off by the time I had finished eating my dinner....

It's weird, i've got a dwarf gourami in my tank with my betta...perfectly fine. Just ignore each other! ~Must be down to the personalities of the fish. My betta hardly flairs at all.
As already said, each betta is different and there's no real rules. I do however always advise these "rules" to start off with:
- Nothing colourful
- Nothing with long fins
- Nothing that likes to eat long fins.

If you go by those, you should be perfectly fine.
You can then experiment after that if you choose to.

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