What Species Of Freshwater Snail Should I Get?


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Oct 13, 2012
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I originally had a bladder snail. This snail did a great 'clean up job', kept algae growth on the tank sides at a minimum and was generally a great addition to the tank. Unfortunately I had to remove the snail from the tank due to its ability to reproduce rapidly by itself. Are there any species of freshwater snails that require other snails to mate and could be kept individually to prevent reproduction? (I would ideally like to get a reasonably small species due to the limited seize of the tank) (other tank mates: Glowlight tetras and Julli Corys).
Nerite snails can't breed in fresh water as the babies need salt water to develop. They are great at eating algae.
I love my assassin snails. They do require a male and female to mate and its pretty impossible to tell them apart. They do mate but not very quickly... and, they have a good re-sale value if you should happen to get too many. They grow quite slowly.... I've not been overrun by mine yet! Not even reared enough to spread to all my tanks in all the months I've had them.

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