What Species Is This?

Here's a video of my cory feeding. They're bronze and pepper, so you can see why I didn't think yours was a bronze.

Got to agree with TOS, the difference in colour of the body and the stripe looks to stark to be Aeneus, but could be wrong. :)
You can't rule out anything with corys. They are still finding new and unnamed species regularly.
I just think with bronze they usually appear to have more blended colors. Yours appears very stark, as Mowbz said. But then as Inchworm said, they're finding new species all the time. If you've had it for a couple years, at least you know it's doing all right with the ones you have! Seriously, post the photos on Planet Catfish and see what they have to say, if only for MY curiosity!
Not sure i can do this, but the info isnt here and Ian is member of here, so here goes


Use the above contact form to contact Ian Fuller, he might know :)

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