What Species Is This?

Agree with ZoddyZod.
Harlequin rasbora.

Bit of info...Should be kept in groups of 5 or more, not suitable for tanks less than 40l (10US Gal), Grow to 4-5cm, Can be fed all sorts of tropical food, temp 23C - 28C, pH 6.0 - 7.5

Also what other fish are in the tank, chances are the baby isn't a harlequin rasbora unless there are actually no other fish in the tank.
Harlequin Rasbora
Trigonostigma heteromorpha

Aquarium suitability: 4/5
Sociability rating: 9/10
Area of tank: Middle, all
Aquarium water conditions: 5-8, vs,s,m,h
Temperature: 22 - 26C
Feeding: Flake, frozen, live foods
Minimum tank size: 60cm
Min / Max number in tank: Min 6
Family: Cyprinidae (Minnows & Carps)
Synonyms: Rasbora heteramorpha, R. heteromorpha
Other common names: Red rasbora
Origin: Asia; Thailand, Sumatra
Natural habitat: Forest streams
Natural water conditions: pH 5-7, very soft to medium
Size: 5cm

The Harlequin is a popular aquarium fish and ideal for a community of other small, peaceful fishes. Harlequins are shoaling fish and need to be kept in groups, ideally in aquariums with densely planted areas and plenty of hiding spots. Over time the body shape deepens and older fish often exhibit a high-backed shape. Good water quality is required for long-term health and the fish prefer slightly soft, acidic water. A good aquarium fish for planted tanks or peaceful communities. Harlequins also make good tank-mates for timid or nervous fish.
Behavior: Peaceful, shoaling
Breeding: Open water egg scatterers
Sexing: Males are thinner. The black marking on the body extends at the bottom on males; on females the edge is flat

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