OK Graeme,
What are you using as framework (wood) and what thickness, how much space have you in between the framework. Is there a mid support or can we utilise the whole space. Are you making tanks or using standard sizes.
Going by the sizes above, until you give me otherwise.
An Ideal killifish setup (for me, using what you say, would be on three tiers).
Top shelf at eye level (so as you can see into it standing). On this shelf (12" depth) I would have 4 tanks at 12"x8"x8" end ways on. (looking through the ends) This gives you more room, for more tanks in that space. These are your main breeding tanks
Mid Shelf I would go with 2 tanks 18"x12"x12" (again this has an overall span of 36") Yes they are a little bigger than 18x10x10 but they can be divided as need be. These tanks are for growing on fry and can be utilised for breeders of larger killifish species.
Bottom shelf not on the floor.....I would have 1 tank 36"x12"x15"...this is you grow-out tank for fish you want to move on.
The above is just a synopsis of what a typical killifish setup would entail, obviously you would still have to create space for cultures and equipment.
Dont forget the space between the tanks needs to be a large as you can allow to enable you to get in and out with nets etc and for performing maintenance. Also make the area as easy to get round as possible, You will get a killifish jumping at some point so you'll need to be able to retreive it and the less clutter and boxing in you do the better.
One last point and it's the hardest point of all but it's the best advice I can give...dont run before you can walk, pick one or two easily managed species and learn about them. it is tempting to have multiple species but you will pretty soon run out of space. then you will see something else.
There is plenty of time to acquire new species but take things slow and set your stall out with what goals you want to achieve at the beginning.
good luck