What Size Tank For Green Spotted Puffers?


Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
Cheltenham, UK
I have been keeping Tropical fish for quite some time now successfully but have recently made an impulse purchase of 4 Green Spotted Puffer Fish...now I know I have them in a far too small tank at the moment but am looking hard to correct that. What size tank should I get (I have plenty of room for a huge tank if I need to)? What would be the minimum size tank for 4 GSP's? (i plan on going bigger than minimum but I want to be able to shop around).

Also what sort of filter would you recommend for such a big tank?

Kind of a newbie on the puffer front. I have planned ahead to make the tank high end brackish.

Thanks for you help!
well... not sure abot tank size but my locat shop sells them as fresh water, rumor has it they tolerate this when young but like more brackish water when older? not sure if its true

what do you have the in at the mo?
I think it's something like 30 Us gal per puffer when adult - that seems huge to me, but that's what my research shows... :unsure:

Hope this helps haha :good:
^they are vey active and produce alot of waste, so lots of water is a must :good:
Thanks for the link...just what I was looking for.

I bought them knowing that they need to be gradually brought to high end brackish as they grow, they were in fresh water when I got them and are currently still in freshwater. They are 3cm (1.2") at the moment.

So 30 US g each x4 =120 USg min!

Wow thats a big tank...but I had my suspicions about that anyway!

Ok so now to find the right tank before they get too big for their current tank.

They are in a 64l tank at the moment, ok not ideal I know. They arent being aggresive to each other...yet, as I have put loads of stuff in to break the line of sight and give them places to hide etc. The only problem Im having is keeping the water quality good...they produce so much Ammonia! Very messy fish. Im doing very regular (every 3 days ish unless they need it sooner from test results)water changes and am having to use some ammo lock occasionaly to rid the excess ammonia that I can not seem to shift. The tank was a clone from my other Tropical tank that has been running over a year. Water, substrate and media went into the new tank gifted from the other so has been off to a good start.

Does anyone know how fast they will get to adult size?

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