What size filter do I need?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Bristol, CT
I have a 5 gallon hex aquarium with a penguin bio wheel filter. Can anyone tell me what the size is for the filter? It is usually a letter on the package, and I threw it away :crazy:
did it come with the filter or did you add the filter to it?

if it's the 5G hex from either eclipse or regent it's a size Z
you can buy the marineland version or the regent version at wal-mart they're the same thing.

If it's a filter you added you need to know the specific model.

If's its a penguin bio-wheel mini it's a size A

BigSteve said:
:flex: ♂ On a tank that size it's got to be a Penguin Bio-Wheel Mini
not always Marineland (teh company that makes penguin and emperor) produce a 5G hex with a built in filter.
It came with the penguin bio wheel (i think I mentioned that in the first post). Thanks for the info, now I can order my filters :)

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