What Size Do Bristlenoses Max Out And How Fast Do They Grow?


Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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Hi, I'm very curious to find out what max size BNs can reach?

Also, how long do they take to reach their max size or reach maturity/adult size? I know it will depend on factors such as how much algae they get, but assuming they get algae wafers and cucumber regularly, how fast do they grow?

Finally, if you acquired BN juveniles, say 2-3cm, how long will it take before you will be able to identify the bristles to determine if its a male or female? Will it take a good 12 months or longer?

I got a BN about 3 months ago when it was 1", right now, its grown to 2"
There are over 70 known species of bristlenoses (ancistrus) and of course each has different specifications.
but the most commonly found species rarely get to more than five inches.
Having said that, we have a male that's now 11 inches long!

Rate of growth is quite fast, most reaching full size in about a year at most, but algae and cucumber is not enough, bristlenoses are omnivores and require meat in their diet so the addition of live or frozen bloodworm, sinking shrimp pellets or similar things are vital to healthy growth.
Although cucumber is enjoyed by the fish it contains almost no nutriants, brussels sprouts or zuchinni are much better options.

In my experiance, bristlenoses are sexable at about five to six months depending on species, although not all species follow the same rules of males having longer tentacles.
Hi SirMinion, thanks for the reply.

Wow! Over 70 species of bristlenoses? Are they easy to distinguish? So if I had say 10 BNs in a tank, would you be able to identify which species are the same or if they are all different?

I always thought there was only 1 type of bristlenose that came in different colours - the traditional black with some spots, albino and an orange one.

If there are 70 different species, is there a particular species that is most popular or most commonly found at LFS? If an LFS is selling a tank of 30 BNs, is it safe to assume if I bought a pair of BNs from that tank at the LFS, the 2 will be the same species?

I recently acquired a pair of BNs and both are about 3.5", the LFS told me it takes yonks for them to reach full size, about 2 years.

Once the BNs reach full size, how long can they live for? Are they relatively hardy fish if you provide them with a proper and clean environment?

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