What Shrinp Could I add?

Le Fishê

Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2021
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I have this 120L fish tank with 5 mollies, 2 platys, 6 guppies, 6 neons, 2 zebra loaches, 1 weather loach, 1 pleco and 3 cory catfish. I was wondering what type of shinp I can add to this tank, what shrimp wont eat other fish or be eaten by other fish?
You could add cherry, amano, ghost, and other fancy shrimp variants.

There’s no way of preventing the fish from eating the shrimp. (They will go for the fry - not usually the adult)

Is the tank heavily planted?
You could add cherry, amano, ghost, and other fancy shrimp variants.

There’s no way of preventing the fish from eating the shrimp. (They will go for the fry - not usually the adult)

Is the tank heavily planted?
Not only planted but full of hiding places too
The shrimp I mentioned above should work beautifully.

I would be wary about the loach. How big is it?
What one? The weather loach is only abiut 2 inches but dojo loaches have small mouths so
Loaches are designed to hunt down shrimp and similar critters...You would be safer setting up a species tank for the shrimp.
Loaches are designed to hunt down shrimp and similar critters...You would be safer setting up a species tank for the shrimp.
Well maybe some of them are but let me tell you that zebra and weather loaches are kne of the most peaceful fish you can get. I've had weather loaches my whole life and never have I seem it attacking a shrimp or small fish. Same gies fir zebra loaches. I was just worried that my other fish would eat the shrimp.
Your mollies will. And loaches and invertebrates don't mix, some people use loaches to control snail populations. Shrimp are especially vulnerable when moulting.
Basic fish fact, if it fits in the fishes mouth it will be eaten. Only exception I can think of is otos as they are herbivores.

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