What should I pick for a centerpiece fish


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
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I could not decide on a centerpiece fish so I thought I would turn it over to a community decision.

I love the shoaling of the tank but there is not a centerpiece fish to bring the tank together.

Tank details:
Size: 175G Bowfront (Lids are off to allow pothos to grow out)
Filter: 2x Biomaster 650 Thermal
Co2: Yes, Use an automated controller that turns on when PH raises above 7 and Off when below 6.6
Additives: Thrive (2x Week), API Accuclear (1 day prior to water change), Prime (Water Change\ Double Dose)
Food: Tetracrisps soaked in Garlicguard(3x per week) and Vita Chem(1x per Week)
Plants: Pothos, Pearl weed, S Repens, Carolina Bacopa, A. Sword, J. Ferns, and Jungle Val on the way
Substrate: Black Diamond Blasting Sand mixed with EcoComplete. 2 Large\3 Small pieces of Driftwood.
Temp: 77-78 F
Current Stocking: 30x Chili Rasbora, 60x Ember Tetra, 80x Cardinal Tetra, 12x Oto Cats
Note: Do not like Cory cats or Plecos. Have a wavemaker but is currently off because it stresses fish.
That sounds like an awesome tank! I'm sure many of us would love to see a pic!
I'm not a complete expert when it comes to picking fish as I am still learning, so I may be wrong with this suggestion, but have you considered electric blue acara?
They aren't huge, but would definitely be bigger than your other fish, without being big enough to eat them. I'd say that EBAs would be between 3 and 5 inches (I could be wrong, and if I am, super sorry), so you could have a small group to just kinda take the show. They'd also contrast your other fish nicely.
Just my humble idea, since that is what you asked for.
I love electric blue acaras. I just didnt know how they would do with the embers\ Chilis.

I used to have 4 of them in my SA tank and they were little tank bosses who kept my Sev's in line.

That was the tank before this but my 4-year-old fed them a bag of cat food and they didn't like it. I did not notice in time to save the tank.
Like I said, I am not an expert, just coming up with ideas. :)
I don't see why they shouldn't get along with the embers, but I suppose more research about the chilis would be a good idea.
I am excited to see what you choose!
What I want to do is some roseline barbs\sharks but I think they may eat my embers when they get bigger.

I have also thought of Swordtails but they make to many fry.
Additives: Thrive (2x Week), API Accuclear (1 day prior to water change), Prime (Water Change\ Double Dose)

Current Stocking: 30x Chili Rasbora, 60x Ember Tetra, 80x Cardinal Tetra, 12x Oto Cats
Quick question because I am still newer to this hobby: but would you recommend Thrive? I was interested in buying some, and can't decide which particular type as there are four different options that all look similar.
Also, how hardy would you say the chili rasboras are? I've read conflicting opinions about whether or not the make good fish for beginner/intermediate keepers.
Quick question because I am still newer to this hobby: but would you recommend Thrive? I was interested in buying some, and can't decide which particular type as there are four different options that all look similar.
Also, how hardy would you say the chili rasboras are? I've read conflicting opinions about whether or not the make good fish for beginner/intermediate keepers.
They were fine once acclimated but I lost 6 out of 40 during transport. The other 4 deaths were during acclimation. No deaths since the 48hr danger zone.

They are picky eaters tho

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