What Should I Get?


New Member
Jul 26, 2010
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When my current fish in my 1.77 gallon tank i was wanting to get something to put in the tank but don't know what i want. I want to keep it to the same kind of fish and i am not to experienced so i want something easy but small enough to have 3 or 4 of. I currently have a pea sized snail that i found on a canoe trip about a week ago that is very healthy. I don't want anything to small. What do you guys recommend i get? Peanut0701
ChilliPepper beat me to it. Although I'm relatively new to this site, my first thought when I read your post was to reply by saying that you should get a bigger tank. I wouldn't even keep a Betta in a tank that size.

I don't mean to be cutting or rude but if you can't get a bigger tank then you need to forget the idea of keeping any fish at all.
I don't want anything to small.
Sorry to say but your tank is tiny, too tiny in fact for even small fish. Look into buying a 10 gallon tank you can pick up kits around 40 dollars and it will give you a bit more room for smaller species. If you want some slightly bigger fish look into around 20-30 gallons. Of course the bigger the fish the bigger your tank needs to be.
as on your other thread where you asked about using this tank to breed african clawed frogs :crazy: this tank is massively too small.

what fish DO you have in there currently?
:lol: :lol: errr i recommend you get nothing.come on what answer did you expect to get??
the tank is way too small for anything to live in.
cant you see that for your self??
my advice, throw it out and buy a decent sized tank.
A yeast colony!
I am still curious as to what fish you currently have in the 1.77 gallon tank that you are waiting to die (as stated in your other thread)

what type of fish do you already have, and how many?

this will help you determine what size tank you need RIGHT NOW for the fish you ALREADY HAVE
I am still curious as to what fish you currently have in the 1.77 gallon tank that you are waiting to die (as stated in your other thread)

what type of fish do you already have, and how many?

this will help you determine what size tank you need RIGHT NOW for the fish you ALREADY HAVE
1 Black Skirt Tetra.
I am still curious as to what fish you currently have in the 1.77 gallon tank that you are waiting to die (as stated in your other thread)

what type of fish do you already have, and how many?

this will help you determine what size tank you need RIGHT NOW for the fish you ALREADY HAVE
1 Black Skirt Tetra.
How many did you have? Black skirts are a shoaling fish requiring 5+ fish and 20+ gallons
I used to have a ten gallon with
2x Black skirts
2x Plecos
2x Dwarf frogs
5x Cardinal or neon tetra, but one of the plecos ate a frog, the cardinals/neons died of old age, i let the pleco that ate the frog go to a new home so it wouldn't eat other things, the other pleco got to big and we had let it go too then i only had 2 black skirts and a dwarf frog, but i didn't want to get more fish so i got the 1.77 gallon and then the frog died of old age, then the other black skirt died of old age i got a guppy so the black skirt i got a guppy so the black skirt wouldn't be alone it died from getting it from a bad store then i got an apple snail and it died from i thought it would eat algae ONLY but i didn't know that it could have fruits and vegtables, and then i just got back from a canoe trip and i found a pea sized snail their so it is in the tank with the black skirt. this has all hapened in a span of 6 years but the black skirt is probably 4 months older between being in the pet shop and growing up from the breeder and it could die any now even though it is very active and in my opinion for the tank size happy, but they are only supposed to live 5 years on average. I still do 50 % water changes every week and rearange the decorations every about 2 weeks. i probably can get a 10 gallon i will tell you guys if i do if i can't i will release the black skirt and the snail into a creek that is by my house or put them on craigslist

I used to have a ten gallon with
2x Black skirts
2x Plecos
2x Dwarf frogs
5x Cardinal or neon tetra, but one of the plecos ate a frog, the cardinals/neons died of old age, i let the pleco that ate the frog go to a new home so it wouldn't eat other things, the other pleco got to big and we had let it go too then i only had 2 black skirts and a dwarf frog, but i didn't want to get more fish so i got the 1.77 gallon and then the frog died of old age, then the other black skirt died of old age i got a guppy so the black skirt wouldn't be alone it died from getting it from a bad store then i got an apple snail and it died from i thought it would eat algae ONLY but i didn't know that it could have fruits and vegtables, and then i just got back from a canoe trip and i found a pea sized snail their so it is in the tank with the black skirt. this has all happened in a span of 6 years but the black skirt is probably 4 months older between being in the pet shop and growing up from the breeder and it could die any now even though it is very active and in my opinion for the tank size happy, but they are only supposed to live 5 years on average. I still do 50 % water changes every week and rearange the decorations every about 2 weeks. i probably can get a 10 gallon i will tell you guys if i do if i can't i will release the black skirt and the snail into a creek that is by my house or put them on craigslist

sorry about the above post i was just trying to edit it
I used to have a ten gallon with
2x Black skirts need to be in groups of 5+ and a 20+gallon tank
2x Plecos
2x Dwarf frogs
5x Cardinal or neon tetra, but one of the plecos ate a frog, the cardinals/neons died of old age, i let the pleco that ate the frog go to a new home so it wouldn't eat other things, the other pleco got to big and we had let it go too - - you obviously had a species of pleco that never should have been in a small 10 gallon tank - - most likely the common pleco which grows to 18"+, also, most plecos should not be in a 10 gallon. when you say let it go, do you mean into the creek?!

then i only had 2 black skirts and a dwarf frog, but i didn't want to get more fish so i got the 1.77 gallon and then the frog died of old age, then the other black skirt died of old age i got a guppy so the black skirt wouldn't be alone it died from getting it from a bad store then i got an apple snail and it died from i thought it would eat algae ONLY but i didn't know that it could have fruits and vegtables, and then i just got back from a canoe trip and i found a pea sized snail their so it is in the tank with the black skirt. this has all happened in a span of 6 years but the black skirt is probably 4 months older between being in the pet shop and growing up from the breeder and it could die any now even though it is very active and in my opinion for the tank size happy, but they are only supposed to live 5 years on average. I still do 50 % water changes every week and rearange the decorations every about 2 weeks. i probably can get a 10 gallon i will tell you guys if i do if i can't i will release the black skirt and the snail into a creek that is by my house or put them on craigslist - - NEVER RELEASE YOUR AQUARIUM LIFE INTO THE WILD. UNLESS THEY WERE WILD CAUGHT IN THAT AREA, YOU RISK ALTERING THE NATURAL BALANCE OF THAT HABITAT AS THEY ARE NOT A NATIVE SPECIES - - YOU ALSO SENTENCE THAT FISH/SNAIL/FROG TO DEATH BY PUTTING IT INTO AN ENVIRONMENT WITH UNKNOWN PREDATORS

If you do get another tank, please please please research before you buy anything - - buying a fish/frog with out knowing what kind of care it requires, how big it will get, if it is a schooling/shoaling fish, if it is territorial etc etc means you risk putting that living creature in a tank that is not at all suited for it - - this is actually very cruel because the fish can't obviously get out and find better conditions...it has to stay and suffer.

the members on here will be more than happy to help you stock a tank if you have any questions :good:
ok and the pleco went to a chinese place that i went to and had a atleast 150 gallon tank with other plecos and the creek that i would put the snail in is very simaler to the river that i found it in, almost same depth almost same current almost same fish almost same amount of algae just about same tempuature etc. my blak skirt would probably go on craigslist or my freind's mom' tank that is like 50 gallon and has fish suitable for him.

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