What should i get?


New Member
Oct 27, 2003
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Im a begginer at fish keeping. this will be my first tank if i know which one to get!
My bro says that i should get a £50 moby dick tank. but i dont know! please help!
p.s i want a tropical fish tank.
pp.s My brothers user name is Jht. :S
Get the biggest one that you can afford. Larger tanks are much more forgiving than smaller ones. It's harder to keep a small tank stable than a large one.
Ditto the above post...biggest is best....easier to keep....save you cash up and get a decent sized one.....money spent on a small tank will be wasted. There are shops out there that do tank hood light filter gravel....3 ft tank all for £150...or look second hand or down the local tip.....you'd be suprised the number of people that give up the hobby with really good equipment....clean it well thaough....good luck
actually, i'd suggest a 20g long tank. it's not humongous, it's not teeny. please don't get a hex tank, they may look interesting by all strange-shaped tanks are pains for a newbie! 20g tank, coupled with 20lbs of gravel, enough plants to make the 'scape you need and any other things (driftwood, rocks, caves, etc) you or the fish you choose might want.

and you say you want Tropical fishies? ^^ my favourite way of deciding what to go in my tank is pretty much 1x2 Spotlights/10x1 Schoolers/4x3 Scavengers per 10g, it works quite well in terms of stocking and seems to agree with fish territory, water parameters, and the like.

so, for a 20g tank, you could have two Dwarf Gouramis, ten White Cloud Mountain Minnows, ten Neon Tetras, and eight Kuhlii Loaches the Gouramis provide that large, puppy-fish eye-candy lots of people like, the Minnows and Tetras add color and activity, and the Loaches keep the tank clean and give the occasional dance-of-insanity across the tank front that's guaranteed to make anyone laugh.

:D just ideas, you should really listen to your instincts on what fish, what tank, and what-ever you want!

(but let the tank cycle and don't add all the fish at once!)
when i decided i wanted to get fishys, i took all my overdue books back to the library :look: and got out 6 books on fish keeping :nod: . i read them all cover to cover :huh: (i could even open the books onto the pages i wanted, without the use of the contents or index pages!! :*) ). then i trotted round all the lfs's in my area and got a decent 20 gal. tank with all the gubbins in it. i reckon that's an alright way to go about it!! :D
i would agree with the 'biggest you can afford / have room for' theory

only a month in and i want a bigger one - if only i had waited....
Absolutely, bigger is best!! I started with a 30 litre tank with a pair of Oranda. Ang my god did that tank not make me age by about ten years!! Funny tho, its been passed on to my dad who looks at it once a day to feed the fish and has never lost a fish a year on. I even tried using it as a breeder tank for apisto's and couldnt raise the fry past 3 weeks, so eventualy off-loaded the 'little tank of horrors'!
Try and get a rectangular tank, avoid hex and bowls and if you get one with a flat front, you usually get a lot bigger for the same price.

i thought i should say that there are lots of second big tanks if u can't afford new big tank.. they aren't that bad and u could just buy some new equipment for it..... :thumbs: just consideration :D
Yup second everyone else bigger is best and also easiest, I've a 10 gal and the water parameters can change very quickly. More water = more volume to dilute toxins
i am his brother and the problem we have is space i already have 3 tanks in my room and another would make 4 there is ust no space for a 10 gallon or larger so suggested he get 6/7 gallon moby dick tank
I do not have that much money so i think i will go with my brother and buy a 6/7 galon tank for £50 and get a ram, if i can get a small puffer fish and probab ly some tetras.

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