What shall I get next?


New Member
Mar 29, 2004
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Somerset, UK
I currently have a 60l tank. I have 4 mollies, one of which gave birth to 7 fry last weekend. I'm thinking of getting a new tank for either the fry or the adults.

Any ideas what I can get next? I've thought about getting some corys. I like the arcuatus corys. How big would they get?

I had neon and rummy nose tetras years ago and would like some of them too but the ph in my tank is 7.5 and I've heard tetras prefer soft water. Don't really want to neutralise it as the mollies are doing well in their current conditions.

Any suggestions appreciated!!
i have neons , cardinals and rummy noses in hard water with a PH of 8 and they are doing great :D

i dunno if i`m lucky or what but i`ll bend the rules with most fish when it comes to water conditions :*) and i never seem to have any kind of problem with any of them :)

corys are great :) best to get around 4 though they like to be kept in groups

most corys grow to around 2 1/2 - 3 inches
I too have water that has a pH of around 8.1-8.2 and have had no ill effects for my fish. I keep a few tetras and I have an angel (different tanks) both of which are sensative to water conditions. I also don't like to add anything (other than dechlor) to my water. If you buy your fish locally, they are likely in water that is similar to yours. Just in case, I always take more time when I acclimate my fish, to allow them to slowly get used to my pH etc.


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