What Shall I Do Now


Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2005
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ive got a large tank with 2 fish in it and i want to add more the fish in it are red tail shark and a sucking loach, the fish that were in it were guppys, neons etc, i used to breed guppies but after falling pregant my self and having my daughter i have let the tank empty, but my daughter is now 1 and can enjoy the fish as well, so what do i put it in?
Need to no how many gallons the tank is, and has the tank cycled.
Has the tank been set up yet, i thought you already had a red tailed shark and a sucking loach in the tank.
Has the tank been set up yet, i thought you already had a red tailed shark and a sucking loach in the tank.

yes sorry the tank has been going strong for 6 years now with reagular water changes and tests all is ok with the tank it just needs som fish

I just didnt have that much time on my hands with a four year old and a new baby!!!
Only thing i can think of is barbs to go with the red tailed shark as they are aggressive, never kept a red tailed shark, but some members have them so they will help you more, good luck.
Only thing i can think of is barbs to go with the red tailed shark as they are aggressive, never kept a red tailed shark, but some members have them so they will help you more, good luck.

the shark never attacked any other fish he is very old and i only got him 2 years ago and all he ever does is sit in a barrel and eat

fish food :lol:
my RTBS has never bothered anybody.

i even have 3 in the same tank at the mo (been there for a couple of months) and they all get on fine.

i am keeping a close eye on them tho cos apparently u shud only have one per tank.

its a 75G that there in.
i am keeping a close eye on them tho cos apparently u shud only have one per tank.

How big are the sharks?

They only really get aggressive when they mature and things in your tank could easily get nasty over night. Have you got anywhere to move the other two to? Personally I'd not run the risk and remove two of them now BEFORE things get ugly!

I'd not worry too much about the shark as long as you don't add any other shark shaped fish. They are individuals though so it's a good idea to keep a close eye on it. I'd be more concerned about the sucking loach to be honest, can you be more specific about what type of loach it is? Sucking loach is a term often used for Chinese Algae Eaters, algae eaters when they are young, but get more fond of sucking the slime coats of other fish as they get older and very aggressive.

Does it look like this:

it looks like you have other fish in there too or was that a different tank

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