What Salt Is Everyone Using?

are you freshwater or salt water, yes salt is salt, marine salt on the other hand, contains all sorts of other ions and stuff to do its best (more realistically, make the most money) at making salt like the ocean.
are you freshwater or salt water, yes salt is salt, marine salt on the other hand, contains all sorts of other ions and stuff to do its best (more realistically, make the most money) at making salt like the ocean.

Ooops, I see now...I just responded to the New Post screen, and failed to see which sub-forum I was in :blush: But, it's still a question I was wanting to raise...I deal with freshwater fish...thanks for the reply though.
andywg said:
Finally, with the n number of this study being 2, no reliable conclusions can be formed.

steelhealr said:
there isn't really anything there that strikes me as concluding that one is really better over the other

I think we are on the same page andy. As for increasing the amount of salt needed to raise the salinity to 35%, I'm not sure it would really change things with regards to comparisons. I'm sure it would increase the TOTALS with regards to the specific content of each mineral, but, in comparison, I think the bar graphs would still show the same differences per se. Eg...wouldn't Red Sea Coral Pro still have the highest copper content even if you pushed the salt up to 35%?

But the levels of those with the lower salinity would be higher. For example, Kent is between 29 and 30 ppt, while Red Sea Coral Pro is between 33 and 33.5.

The average silica for the above is 0.55 and 0.8 respectively, apparently indicating that Kent has lower silicate, but once you add more of the Kent salt to the water to bring the salinity up to a level near NSW, then the level of silica in the water will rise too.

There will not be a great change, but it would certainly be more useful for aquarists to see comparisons witht he salt concentrations at levels used in the tanks. How many people who care about magnesium will put in salt at 29ppt?
So..what you are saying is that each salt should have been titrated to 35% without regard to salt weight or volume? SH
I'm not andy, but that's what it sounds like he means.
So..what you are saying is that each salt should have been titrated to 35% without regard to salt weight or volume? SH

It is pretty useless to us as saltwater keepers knowing which salt has more calcium in 7g when we would never measure the salt in by weight. If we want to compare the salts we will use in the tank, it's far from ideal to be looking at the contents of the salt at 29‰ when no one will use the salts at that level in a tank.

By using the weight as a factor it is possible to get an idea of which salt will provide the most mixed water per unit of currency, but it makes comparisons of the levels we care about difficult.
And andy...you KNOW that sig pic is too large man. C'mon.....lol....shrink that down a bit. SH
And andy...you KNOW that sig pic is too large man. C'mon.....lol....shrink that down a bit. SH
Apologies, I linked to the large rather than the small.

Now then Mr sig police, what are the chances of you conforming to your own rules?

we have come to the decission [sic] to limit signatures to just 5 lines of standard sized text or one picture/gif (maximum size of 100k or 400px wide x 300px tall) and 2 lines of text

I'm seeing one pic and 5 lines in yours SH, you are breaking your own rules. [edit]6 lines including the dots[/edit]

Furthermore, my previous sig was 116Kb and 450x301 in size. There is no way that the pic was "way too large" and in real terms was less of a breach of the sig rules than your own.

I've done my bit to conform to forum rules. Will you? ;)
I measured 490 at the time..but for YOU Andy......sure.
I see your sig still doesn't comply with rules SH.

That's pretty piss poor form, trying to enforce a set of sig rules that the enforcer is breaking. I had just started to respect you SH, but now you have lost a lot of it. /me is unimpressed.
hmmm i don't see what andy did wrong here in fact, SH your sig is biger than his even in the larger link he posted. anyhow not much of a differance give him a break sheesh!

andy's pic size is

280 x 187, pixels

sh pic size is

300 x 158, pixels

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