What Plec?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2009
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hi all,

my 180ltr tank is currently fishless cycling and im going over and over my stocking list but i can decide what pleco/s to include.

im going for a community set up with rams, gourami's etc and a group of panda cory's once tank has matured a little so what do you guys suggest?? Im not really interested in a plec that'll be to big and i'd perhaps prefer 2 small plecs??

Love the idea of zebra plecs but the cost is off putting :(

looking forwrd to suggestions

a few BNs if u can stand how ugly they are. Or a clown if ur not bothered about seeing it regularly?
I have a clown and a BN pleco in a 36 gal tank. They get along fine together. but my Clown is shy. The BN is always out I love her. I got another BN albino for my 55 gal tank he is pretty cool too.

pit bull plecos are cool little guys that do well in groups and are active.
peckoltia vittata are a much better alternative to clowns and are much more active, and grow slightly bigger
Spotted Bulldogs plecos are also an option
I've got bns in with clowns. My clown plecos are always out in full view. I never realised they were 'normally'? shy! Both are great plecs to keep. My long fin bns are my favs though as they just look so elegant.

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