What Plec To Get?

rimmer 05

Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Grimsby, England
i want a plec for my tank, one that wont exceed the 4-6" mark. my tank is 10 gal and ive rehomed alot of my fish and think he/she would be very good for my tank, if aybody could send in pictures of some plecs t would be grateful
Do you want a more 'decorative' plec or an algae eater? Do you have wood in the tank? How much are you looking to spend?
i have 20 pound ish to spend, and 1 tht will eat algea as my sucker loack doesnt do anything at all but sit and look dumb
I'd rehome the loach before it gets stunted, it should reach 10" or so and get aggressive as it gets older. Anyway, plecwise, I'd look at otos, bristlenoses and clown plecs (although not sure they eat algae... I've forgotten).

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